Pam yr ofna f'enaid mwyach?

(Hyder yng Nghrist)
Pam yr ofna f'enaid mwyach,
  Gan fod Iesu eto'n fyw?
Beth yw gorthrymderau fyrddiwn
  Os caf gymhorth gras fy Nuw?
Af drwy foroedd o ofidiau,
  Croesaf yr Iorddonen ddofn;
Presenoldeb Iesu tirion
  Fydd yn angau i'm holl ofn.

Rhydd ei freichiau odditanaf
  Deil fy mhen yn uwch na'r don,
Gwell y gwyr na neb am ddyfnder
  Ac am rwysg yr afon hon;
Drwyddi'r aeth yr Iesu'i hunan,
  Wedi'i adael gan ei Dduw;
Ond ni ad ef un pechadur
  Yn y tonnau - Iesu yw.
William C Williams (Caledfryn) 1801-69

Tôn [8787D]: Bethany (Henry Smart 1813-79)

(Confidence in Christ)
Why shall my soul fear any longer,
  Since Jesus is still living?
What are a myriad of afflictions
  If I get the help of my God's grace?
I shall go through seas of griefs,
  I shall cross the deep Jordan;
The presence of gentle Jesus
  Shall be death to all my fear.

He shall put his arms underneath me
  To hold my head above the wave,
He knows better than any about the depth,
  And about the might of this river;
Through it went Jesus himself,
  Abandoned by his God;
But he will not leave abandon sinner
  In the waves - Jesus he is.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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