Pan bwi'n crymmu 'mhen wrth farw
Pan bwy'n crymu mhen wrth farw
Pan f'wy'n crymu mhen yn angau

(Cyfaill yn Angau)
Pan f'wy'n crymu mhen yn angau,
  Gâd im' brofi'th gariad rhad,
Gwel'd y nefoedd yn agored,
  Iesu ar ddeheulaw'r Tad:
Gwena arnaf, Arglwydd grasol,
  Pan yn nwylaw angau glâs;
Rho dy hyfryd bresenoldeb
 Im' wrth fyn'd o'r byd i maes.

Cofia di am danaf, Iesu,
  Pan f'wy'n gorwedd yn y bedd;
Cŵyd fi fyny trwy dy allu,
  Cŵyd fy llwch mewn newydd wedd:
Gâd im' eistedd ar dy ddeau
  Yn y bore mawr sy'n d'od;
Gyda thyrfa y ffyddloniaid,
  Canaf iti beraidd glod.

             - - - - -

Pan bwi'n crymmu 'mhen wrth farw,
  Rho im' wel'd dy gariad rhad,
Gwel'd y nefoedd yn agored,
  Mab y dyn ar ddehau'r Tad:
Gwena arnaf Arglwydd grasol
  Ar lan afon angau glâs,
Rho dy hyfryd bresennoldeb
  Im' wrth fyn'd o'r byd i ma's.

Cofia di am danaf Iesu,
  Pan b'wy'n gorwedd yn y bedd;
Co'd fi fyny trwy dy allu,
  Co'd fy llwch mewn newydd wedd:
Dod fi 'eiste ar dy ddehau,
  Ar ryw ddiwrnod mawr sy'n d'od,
Gyd a'r defaid gwir ffyddloniaid,
  Canaf iti beraidd glôd.

Bydd dy lais yn beraidd i mi,
  (Gwel'd dy iachawdwriaeth râd)
Yn d'wedyd wrthyf, gyd a'r lluoedd,
  "Fendigedig blant fy Nhâd,
Dewch meddienwch byth y deyrnas,
  A bar'tow'd cyn dechreu'r byd,
Ewch i mewn i'r hardd ogoniant,
  Brynwyd i chwi geni'n ddrud."
Dafydd William 1720-94

Tôn [8787D]: Achor (<1876)

(A Friend in Death)
When I bow my head in death,
  Let my experience thy free love,
See heaven open,
  Jesus at the right hand of the Father:
Smile upon me, gracious Lord,
  When in the hands of utter death;
Give thy delightful presence
  To me on going out from this world.

Remember thou me, Jesus,
  When I am lying in the grave;
Raise me up through thy power,
  Raise my dust in a new condition:
Let me sit at thy right
  In the great morning that is coming;
With the throng of the faithful,
  I shall sing to thee sweet praise.

                 - - - - -

When I am bowing my head while dying,
  Grant me to see thy free lve,
To see heaven open,
  The Son of Man on the Father's right:
Smile upon me, gracious Lord,
  On the banks of the river of utter death,
Give thy delightful presence
  To me as I go out from the world.

Remember thou me, Jesus,
  When I am lying in the grave;
Raise me up through thy power,
  Raise my dust in a new condition:
Set me to sit on thy right,
  On some great day that is coming,
Together with the true faithful sheep,
  I shall sing to thee sweet praise.

Thy voice shall be sweet to me,
  (Seeing thy free salvation)
Saying to me, with the hosts,
  "Blessed children of my Father,
Come, possess forever the kingdom,
  Prepared before the world's beginning,
Go in to the beautiful glory,
  It was purchased for you by me dearly."
tr. 2021,24 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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