Pan byddo'r byd yn gwgu

(Profiadau Cristionogion - Galar dan Drallodau)
Pan byddo'r byd yn gwgu,
  A'i bethau oll i gyd
Yn methu fy niwallu,
  Ar Dduw mi r'o fy mryd;
Sef Duw fy iechydwriaeth,
  Y Ffynon fawr ddidrai;
Mae ffrydiau hon yn hyfryd
  I mi dan bwys fy mai.

- - - - -
(Hyder yn Nuw)
Pan byddo'r byd yn gwgu,
  A'i bethau oll i gyd,
Yn darfod a diflanu,
  Ar Dduw mi rof fy mryd:
Sef Duw fy iachawdwriaeth,
  Y ffynnon fawr ddi-drai;
Mae'i ffrydiau'n felus odiaeth
  I mi er maint fy mai.

Duw, dod i'm wedd dy wyneb,
  Tra fyddwyf ar fy nhaith;
A'th rasol bresennoldeb,
  I'm cadw gyda'th waith:
Ac oni chaf fi hyny,
  Rhyw dynu wnaf fi'n ol,
Gan faint yw tuedd pechu
  Fy nghalon aflan ffôl.

Rhyfeddod pob rhyfeddod,
  Os gwelir un mor ddu,
Yn canu byth heb ddarfod,
  O fewn Gaersalem fry;
Heb arnaf na brycheuyn,
  Na'r cyfryw beth yn bod,
Yn seinio tannau'm telyn
  "I Iesu byddo'r clod!"
Cadwaladr Jones 1783-1867

Tonau [7676D]:
Bryndref (<1875)
Caerllyngoed (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)

(Christians' Experiences - Lamenting under Troubles)
When the world be frowning,
  And all its things altogether
Failing to satisfy me,
  Upon God I will set my mind;
That is, the God of my salvation,
  The great unebbing Fount;
These streams are delightful
  To me under the weight of my sin.

- - - - -
(Hyder yn Nuw)
When the world be frowning,
  And all its things altogether,
Passing awya and vanishing,
  Upon God I will set my mind:
That it, the God of my salvation,
  The great unebbing Fount;
His streams are extremely sweet
  To me, despite how great my sin.

God, put thy face into my sight,
  While I am on my journey;
And thy gracious presence,
  To keep my with thy work:
And unless I get that,
  I shall draw back somewhat,
So great is the tendency to sin
  Of my unclean, foolish heart.

The wonder of every wonder,
  If one so black is seen,
Singing forever without ceasing,
  Within Jerusalem above;
With no spot upon me,
  Nor any such thing being,
Sounding the strings of my harp
  "To Jesus be the praise!"
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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