Pan fyddo angau yn nesâu

(Marw yn orfoleddus)
Pan fyddo angau yn nesâu,
O Dduw, rho'n helaeth dy fwynhau,
A chodi'm llef, gan lawenhau,
  Wrth deimlo nerth dy ras;
Canaf am werthfawr
    waed y groes
Yn nyfnder chwerw angau loes,
Pan fyddwyf yn terfynu f'oes,
  A myn'd o'r byd i maes.

Na âd i'm haul i fyn'd i lawr
Mewn t'w'llwch, na than gwmwl mawr,
Ond rho im' eglur weled gwawr
  Dy nefol wyneb-pryd;
Nes bo ar dân fy enaid cu,
Yn ymchwydd yr Iorddonen ddű,
Wrth fyn'd i blith y tanllyd lu
  Sydd yn y nefol fyd!
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [8886D]: Hatherton (<1876)

(Dying jubilantly)
When death be approaching,
O God, grant me generously to enjoy thee,
And raise my cry, rejoicing,
  While feeling the strength of thy grace;
I shall sing about the precious
    blood of the cross
In the depth of the bitter throes of death,
When I am ending my lifespan,
  And going out from the world.

Do not let my sun go down
In darkness, nor under a great cloud,
But grant me clearly to see the dawn
  Of thy heavenly countenance;
Until my dear soul goes on fire,
In the swelling of the black Jordan,
While going among the fiery host
  Who are in the heavenly world!
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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