Pan mewn anialwch blin

(Duw yn gweled)
  Pan mewn anialwch blin
    A'm cysur wedi ffoi,
  Os cwmwl dua ddaw,
    Mi wn am le i droi;
Edrychaf tua'r nefoedd fry -
Mae Duw yn edrych arnaf fi.

  Ar lwybrau'r anial maith
    Mae Duw yn golofn dân,
  Yn tywys teulu'r ffydd
    Yn nes i'r Ganaan lân:
Os mynd i'r cwmwl tywyll raid,
Caf weled Duw yn gryf o'm plaid.

  Diolchaf am y groes,
    Ac am y cwmwl llaith,
  O honynt Duw a roes
    Fendithion lawer gwaith:
Blodeua'r cyfiawn
      tra fo byw
O dan gawodydd cwmwl Duw.
T Talwyn Phillips 1856-1918

Tôn [666688]: Bryn Moriah
    (John Davies 1787-1855)

(God seeing)
  When in a wearisome desert
    And my comfort having fled,
  If the blackest cloud shall come,
    I know where to turn;
I shall look towards heaven above -
God is looking upon me.

  On the paths of the vast desert
    God is a pillar of fire,
  Guiding the family of faith
    Nearer to the holy Canaan:
If I must go into the dark cloud,
I shall get to see God strongly on my side.

  I give thanks for the cross,
    And for the damp cloud,
  From them God has given
    Blessings many a time:
The righteous shall flourish
      while ever he live
Under the showers of the cloud of God.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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