Pe b'ai 'merawdwyr mwya'r byd

Pe b'ai 'merawdwyr mwya'r byd
A blodau'r ddaear gron i gyd,
  I farw troswy'n un;
Rhy fach at faddeu mhechod yw,
Rhaid marw un ac sydd yn Dduw;
  Darfydded haeddiant dyn.

Angylion nef baent yn eu plith,
A gwisgo cyrph o rif y gwlith,
  A marw yn gyttûn,
Rhy ysgafn yn y clorian fae,
I bwyso'r ganfed ran o mai;
  Darfydded sôn am ddyn.

Fry, fry'r cyfiawnder ddyry iawn,
I'r holl ofynwyr sy i mi'n llawn,
  A'u galw bob yr un.
A fu tan hoelion gliria'r nef,
Yn abal arall neb ond ef,
  Darfydded sôn am ddyn.

Er dyledswyddau rif y gwlith,
Neu ynte'r sêr na rifir byth,
  Mae pechod etto 'nglyn.
Yn berffaith eilwaith hwy pe cawn,
Dim i gyfiawnder at wneud iawn;
  Darfydded sôn am ddyn.

Ca'wd y llieiniau yn y bedd,
Fe adgyfododd Brenhin hedd,
Gan gongc'ro angau ei hun;
Mewn cwmmwl gwyn f'sgynnodd ef,
I glirio llyfrau dua'r nef;
  Darfydded sôn am ddyn.

'Nawr heddwch anherfynol sy
O gwr i'r llall
    i'r nefoedd fry,
  Priodoliaethau'n un,
Cyfiawnder llym yn llawenhau,
Ynghôl trugaredd faith ddidrai;
  Darfydded sôn am ddyn.

Mae'r pyrth yn agor, nef yn rhydd
I'r rhai yn noethion, tlodion sydd,
  A gwisgoedd i bob un;
Y wisg a brynwyd gynt â gwaed,
A hoelion dur mewn dwylo a thraed;
  Darfydded sôn am ddyn.
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tonau [886D]:
Chatham (<1811)
Hinton (<1825)

gwelir: Yn Eden cofiaf hynny byth

If the greatest emperors of the world
And all the flowers of the round earth,
  Were to die for me as one;
Too little to forgive my sin it is,
One must die who is God;
  Let the merit of man pass away.

If the angels of heaven were among them,
Wearing bodies numerous as the dew,
  And dying in agreement,
Too light in the scales it would be,
To weight the hundredth part of my fault;
  Let mention of man pass away.

Up above righteousness gives satisfaction,
To all those who demand fully from me,
  And it calls them all the same.
He who was under nails shall clear heaven,
There is none other able but he,
  Let mention of man pass away.

Despite duties numerous as the dew,
Or the stars that are never to be counted,
  Sin is still sticking.
Perfectly a second time if they could,
Nothing would satisfy righteousness;
  Let mention of man pass away.

The sheets were found in the grave,
The King of peace rose again,
  Conquering death itself;
In a white cloud he ascended,
To clear the blackest books of heaven;
  Let mention of man pass away.

Now there is endless peace
From one corner to the other
    of heaven above,
  The attributes as one,
Keen righteousness rejoicing,
In the bosom of vast unebbing mercy;
  Let mention of man pass away.

The portals are open, heaven free
To those who are poor, naked,
  With garments for every one;
The clothing once bought with blood,
And steel nails in hands and feet;
  Let mention of man pass away.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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