Pe cawn adenydd boreu wawr

1,(2,3,4,5),6,7;  1,2,(4),7;  1,8.
(Dymuniad y saint)
Pe cawn adenydd boreu wawr,
Ehedeg wnawn dros foroedd mawr,
  Nes dod i olwg Sïon wiw,
  Lle mae fy Mhriod mawr yn byw.

Pe cawn ond teimlo'r awel gref
Aeth âg Elïas gynt i'r nef,
  Gadawn yn ol
      fy ngwisg o gnawd,
  Ac Eliseus fy anwyl frawd.

Pe meddwn arch hen Noa ddewr,
Nofio a wnawn 'r hyd diluw mawr;
  Tua phen Ararat,
      lle mae'r fraint,
  Y mynydd sy'n
      orphwysfa'r saint.

Y nos pe cawn y golofn dân,
A niwl y dydd i'm dwyn ym mlaen,
  O'r anial mawr mi ddown i maes,
  Nes glanio trwy'r
      Iorddonen lâs.

Pe cawn, fel Iago, ysgol gref,
Gyrhaeddu o'r ddaear
    i entrych nef;
  Dringo a wnawn o'r byd i ma's,
  Heb orphwys liw ar gareg lâs.

Gwỳn fyd 'gawn rodio gyda Duw,
Fel Enoch ffyddlawn, tra f'wyf byw;
  Ehedeg wnawn o'r byd i maes,
  Heb ofni briw yr angeu glâs.

Yn Peniel 'r wyt, fy enaid, clyw,
Ymdrecha'n deg âg angel Duw;
  Pwy ŵyr nas câf
      cyn codi'r wawr,
  Wir etifeddu'r fendith fawr.

Rhagori ar ddengmil mae ei wedd,
'Rwy'n llwyr feddloni yn ei hedd:
  Ni cheisiaf bleser tan y nef,
  Ond digon o'i gymdeithas Ef.
dod i olwg Sïon wiw :: bod yn ngolwg Sïon wiw
fy Mhriod mawr :: fy Mhriod i
nas câf :: na câf

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angel's Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Bavaria/Easton (W A Mozart 1756-91)
Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)
Kent (John Frederick Lampe 1703-51)
Lancaster (<1868)
Lewton (<1811)
Mainzer (Joseph Mainzer 1801-51)

gwelir: Tra gallwyf byth anadlu a byw

(The desire of the saints)
If I had the wings of the dawn,
Fly I would across great seas,
  Until coming to view worthy Zion,
  Where my great Spouse is living.

If I could but feel the strong breeze
Which once took Elijah to heaven,
  I would leave behind
      my clothing of flesh,
  With Elisha my dear brother.

If I possessed brave old Noah's ark,
Sail I would along the great deluge;
  Toward Ararat's summit,
      where the privilege is,
  The mountain which is
      the resting-place of the saints.

At night, if I had the pillar of fire,
And cloud by day to lead me onward,
  From the great desert I would come out,
  Until landing through
      the blue-green Jordan.

If I had, like Jacob, a strong ladder,
That reached from the earth
    to the vault of heaven;
  I would climb out from the world,
  Without resting at all on a smooth stone.

How blessed should I get to walk with God,
Like faithful Enoch, while ever I live;
  Fly I would out of the world,
  Without fearing the bruise of keen death.

In Peniel thou art, my soul, hear,
Overcoming God's angel;
  Who knows whether I shall
      get before sunrise,
  Truly to inherit the great blessing.

Better than ten thousand is his countenance,
I am completely satisfied in his peace:
  I shall not seek pleasure under heaven,
  But sufficient from his fellowship.
coming to view :: being in view of
my great Spouse :: my Spouse

tr. 2014,21 Richard B Gillion

Thy bright, swift pinions, Dawn, had I,
To distant realms my soul would fly;
  And view eternal mansions there,
  Where my lost friends and Saviour are.

O were to me that chariot given,
Which bore the man of God to heaven:
  I would this earthly
      tent resign,
  And every mortal joy of mine.

By day or night I should not tire,
  Had I pillared cloud and fire:
  I'd sing the dreary desert through,
  And joyful enter
      Jordan too.

Or could I Jacob's ladder climb,
I'd leave afar the clouds of time;
  Nor rest until my favoured ears
  Caught angel-strains above the spheres.

My soul, it is thy Peniel here,
Repeat good Jacob's earnest prayer:
  Perchance, before
      the morning wake,
  The day divine may o'er thee break.


tr. Joseph Morris (Favourite Welsh Hymns 1854)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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