Pererin wyf sydd ar fy nhaith

(Chwant ymadael)
Pererin wyf sydd ar fy nhaith,
Yn mynd tua thrag'wyddoldeb maith;
  Am hyn 'rwy'n edrych ar y byd,
  Fel peth dieithr im' o hyd.

'Rwy'n teimlo serch fy enaid gwan,
'Nawr wedi mynd o hono i'r lan;
  Fe ddarfu i mi flino'n lān,
  Ar y cre'duriaid fawr a mān.

Y man dymunwn i gael byw,
Yw'r drydedd nef, preswylfa'm Duw;
  Lle mae y seintiau gyd heb boen,
  Mewn hwyl yn cadw gŵyl i'r Oen.

Nid eisiau'r byd,
    a'i drysor maith,
Nac ofn ei wae a'i ofid 'chwaith,
  Ond am gael gweld f'Anwylyd cu,
  'Rwyn brefu am fyn'd i'r nefoedd fry.

Diafol a phechod hefyd sydd,
Yn curo arna'i nos a dydd,
  A gweled 'rwyf y dawel hedd,
  Sy'r saint
      yr ochor draw i'r bedd.

Fy ffryns anwylaf yno sy,
Merthyron a phrophwydi lu,
  Yn seinio'r nef yn gydgan iawn,
  Am ddoed i'w gwaredigaeth lawn.
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749
(Desire to depart)
A pilgrim am I who am on my journey,
Going towards a vast eternity;
  Therefore I am looking on the world,
  As a thing always strange to me.

I am feeling the desire of my weak soul,
Now having given it up;
  I have finished being completely grieved,
  By the creatures great and small.

The place where I wish to get to live,
Is the third heaven, my God's residence;
  Where all the saints are without pain,
  Cheerfully keeping festival to the Lamb.

No need of the world,
    and it's vast treasure,
Nor fear of its woe and its grief either,
  But to get to see my dear Lord,
  I am bleating to go to heaven above.

Devil and sin also are,
Beating against me night and day,
  And seeing I am the quiet peace,
  Where the saints are,
      on yonder side of the grave.

My dearest friends are there,
A host of martyrs and prophets,
  Heaven sounding as a proper chorus,
  About coming to the full deliverance.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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