Pob cnawd sy'n disgwyl wrthyt Iôn

Pob cnawd sy'n disgwyl wrthyt, Iôn,
  Am eu digoni'n gyson:
Am bob creadur yn ei ryw
  Mae gofal Duw yn dirion.

Ti sy'n rhoi rhinwedd yn yr had,
  Gan lanw gwlad â llawnder;
Ac ni ffrwythlona'n meusydd heb
  Dy wyneb o'r uchelder.

Ti sy'n addfedu
    cnwd y maes,
  Tydi, o'th ras, sy'n trefnu
Pob dydd o'r tymhor oll, a'i rin,
  A hyfryd hin i gasglu.

Am haul a lleuad, gwynt, a gwres,
  Am wlaw, yn gynhes canwn:
Am ymborth pob creadur byw
  Yr Arglwydd Dduw addolwn.

Wrth edrych ar diriondeb Ion,
  Boed uchel son am dano;
Pob perchen tafod, yn y llwch,
  Cydunwch i'w fendithio.
Hymnau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

Tôn [MS 8787]: Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)

All flesh is waiting upon thee, Lord,
  For their constant supply:
For every creature its kind
  The care of God is tender.

Thou who dost put merit in the seed,
  While flooding the land with fullness;
And the fields are not made fruitful without
  Thy face from the heights.

'Tis thou who art maturing
    the crop of the field,
  Thou, by thy grace, art ordaining
Every day of all the season, and its merit,
  And delightful weather to gather.

For Sun and moon, wind, and heat,
  For rain, warmly let us sing:
For the sustenance of every living creature
  The Lord God let us worship.

While looking on the Lord's tenderness,
  Let there be mention about him;
Every possessor of a tongue, in the dust,
  Unite ye to bless him.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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