Pob cyfryw ddyn y sydd a'i daith Yn berffaith, mae fe'n ddedwydd: Y rhai'n fucheddol a rodian' Y'nghyfraith lān yr Arglwydd. Pa fodd, O Dduw, y ceidw llanc, Sydd ieuanc, ei holl lwybrau? Wrth ymgadw, yn ol dy air, Pob llwybr a geir yn olau. Bydd dda i'th was, a byw a wna, A'th air a gadwa'n berffaith: A'm llygaid agor di ar led I weled rhin dy gyfraith. Mor gu, O Arglwydd, genyf fi Dy ddeddf di a'th gyfammod! Ac ar y rhai'n, o ddydd i ddydd, Y bydd fy holl fyfyrdod. Dy air i'm traed i llusern yw, A llewyrch gwiw i'm llwybrau: Tyngais, a chyflawni a wnaf, Y cadwaf dy lān ddeddfau. O cynnal fi, fy Arglwydd Naf, A byddaf iach dragwyddol: Ac yn dy ddeddfau iach y bydd Fy llawenydd gwastadol.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 [Mesur: MS 8787] gwelir: A'th eiriau y bywheaist fi Dy air i'm traed i llusern yw Mor gu O Arglwydd genyf fi Pa fodd O Dduw y ceidw llanc? Ymddyrcha Dduw y nef uwchlaw |
Every kind of man whose travel is Perfect, he is happy: Those who walk morally In the holy law of the Lord. How, O God, shall a lad Who is young, keep all his paths? While maintaining, according to thy word, Every path there is light. Be good to thy servant, and I shall live, And thy word I shall keep perfectly: And my eye open thou wide To see the merit of thy law. How dear, O Lord, to me, Thy law and thy covenant! And on these, from day to day, Shall be my whole meditation. Thy word to my feet a lantern is, And a true gleam to my paths: I swore, and I shall fulfill, That I shall keep thy holy laws. O uphold me, my Lord Master, And I shall be whole eternally: And in thy laws safe I shall be My joy constantly.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |
1 How blessed are they who always keep the pure and perfect way; Who never from the sacred paths of God's commandments stray! 9 How shall the young preserve their ways from all pollution free? By making still their course of life with thy commands agree. 17 Be gracious to thy servant, Lord, do thou my life defend, That I, according to thy word, my future time may spend. 24 For thy commands have always been my comfort and delight; By them I learn, with prudent care, to guide my steps aright. 105 Thy word is to my feet a lamp, the way of truth to show; A watch-light to point out the path in which I ought to go. 106 I sware, (and from my solemn oath will never start aside,) That in thy righteous judgments I will steadfastly abide. 117 Uphold me, so shall I be safe, and rescued from distress; To thy decrees continually my just respect address.N Tate & N Brady A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696 |