Pob peth ymhell ac agos

Pob peth, ymhell ac agos,
  Sy'n dangos Duw i'r byd,
Ei enw sydd yn aros
  Ar waith ei law i gyd;
Efe a wnaeth y seren
  Yn ddisglair yn y nen,
Efe a wnaeth y ddeilen
  Yn wyrddlas ar y pren.

    Ar ei drugareddau
      Yr ydym oll yn byw;
        Gan hynny dewch
        a llawenhewch,
      Cans da yw Duw.

Mae'r nefoedd a'i chymylau
  O dan ei gadarn law,
Mae'n rhoddi'r heulwen olau,
  Mae'n rhoddi gwlith a glaw;
Mae gwyntoedd oer y gaeaf
  Yn ufudd iddo ef,
Ac ni ddaw un cynhaeaf
  Ond drwy ragluniaeth nef.

Mae'n newid ei fendithion
  I gwrdd ag angen dyn;
Mae'n ddoeth ymhob dibenion,
  Erioed ni fethodd un;
Ein bara sydd bob bore
  Yn dod o'i ddwylo ef,
A chynnal ein heneidiau
  Wna byth â bara'r nef.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Tôn [7676D+6685]: Cynhaeaf / Wir Pflügen
    (J A P Schulz 1747-1800)

All things, far and near,
  Show God to the world,
His name remains
  Upon all the work of his hand;
'Tis he that made the star
  Shining in the sky,
'Tis he that made the leaf
  Green upon the tree.

    On his mercies
      We are all living;
        Therefore rejoice,
      Since God is good.

The heaven and its clouds are
  Under his firm hand,
He gives the bright sunshine,
  He gives the dew and rain;
The cold winds of the winter are
  Obedient unto him,
And no harvest comes
  But through the providence of heaven.

He changes his blessings
  To meet with the need of man;
He is wise in every purpose,
  He has failed not one of us;
Our bread which is every morning
  Comes from his hands,
And the support of our souls
  He makes forever with heaven's bread.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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