Pwy ddaeth o'r nef i'r ddaear?

(Y Nef a Iesu)
Pwy ddaeth o'r nef i'r ddaear?
  Pwy aeth i ben y bryn?
Pwy roes ei waed dros ddynion?
  Crist ga ein ein cân am hyn:
Pwy fel yr Iesu'n Geidwad?
  Pwy fel yr Iesu'n Frawd?
Pwy sydd yn meddu cyfoeth,
  Digon i enaid tlawd?

    Pwy ddaeth o'r nef i'r ddaear?
      Pwy aeth i ben y bryn?
    Pwy roes ei waed dros ddynion?
      Crist ga ein ein câ am hyn.

Crist yw ein Brenin nefol,
  Crist yw ein Ceidwad byw;
Crist sydd yn eiriol drosom,
  Crist gaiff fod byth ein Llyw:
Crist fu yn Faban bychan,
  Crist sydd yr un o hyd;
Byth y gorphwysaf arno,
  Canaf ei glod
      drwy'r byd.

Nef fydd fy Nghartref bellach, -
  Nef gyd ag Iesu Grist;
Nef heb un gofid mwyach,
  Nef lon, a neb yn drist:
Nef ydyw cartref Iesu,
  Nef fyn fy nghalon i;
Nef sydd a'i chân yn uchel,
  Am farw Calfari.
William John Parry 1842-1927
Telyn Sankey 1915

Tôn [7676T]: Safe in the Arms of Jesus
    (W H Doane 1832-1915)

(Heaven and Jesus)
Who came from heaven to the earth?
  Who went to the summit of the hill?
Who shed his blood for men?
  Christ shall get our song for this:
Who like Jesus as Saviour?
  Who like Jesus as Brother?
Who possesses wealth,
  Sufficient for a poor soul?

    Who came from heaven to the earth?
      Who went to the summit of the hill?
    Who shed his blood for men?
      Christ shall get our song for this.

Christ is our heavenly King,
  Christ is our living Saviour;
Christ is interceding for us,
  Christ shall get to be our Guide:
Christ who was a little Baby,
  Christ who is ever the same;
Forever I shall rest upon him,
  I shall sing his praise
      throughout the world.

Heaven shall be my home henceforth, -
  Heaven together with Jesus Christ;
Heaven with no more grief,
  Cheerful heaven, with no-one sad:
Heaven is the home of Jesus,
  Heaven that my heart insists on;
Heaven whose song is loud,
  About the death of Calvary.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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