Pwy ddaw (Yn angeu i 'maflyd yn fy llaw)

(Nerth yn angeu)
      Pwy ddaw
Yn angeu i 'maflyd yn fy llaw,
Pan ddelo byddin Brenin braw,
  I'm cyrchu draw i'm cartref hir?
    Nid oes a saif yn graig a thŵr,
  Yn ngrym y dw'r
          ond Iesu'n wir,

      Fy sail,
A'm hunig noddfa dan yr haul, 
A'm cysur mwy fydd Adda'r ail;
  Rho'f f'adail arno, dyma'r graig
    A ddeil fy enaid i barhau,
  Nes dianc fry o
          ddrygau'r ddraig.
Tôn [288.888]: Dorcas (D J James 1743-1831)

gwelir: Fy sail (A'm hunig noddfa dan yr haul)

(Strength in Death)
      Who shall come
In death to take me by the hand,
When the army of the king of terror comes,
  To set me off for my long home?
    None shall stand as a rock and tower,
  In the force of the water
          but Jesus truly.

      My foundation,
And my only refuge under the sun,
And my comfort evermore shall be
        the second Adam;
  I shall put my building on him,
          here is the rock
    That holds my soul to endure,
  Until escaping above from
          the evils of the dragon.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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