Pwy sydd yn galw â llais more dosturiol?

Jesus is calling in accents of tenderness

(Dilyn Fi)
Pwy sydd yn galw â llais more dosturiol
  Arnat, fy mrawd,
    mewn peryglon di ri?
Iesu'r Hwn gynt a leferai'n wastadol
  Wrth Ei ddisgyblion
      y gair, "Dilyn Fi."

Pan fo plesurau
    yn hudo dy galon,
  Tithau fel deilen
      ar ymchwydd y lli,
Dos ato Ef, ac fe'th
    wared yn union,
  Ond i ti wrando
      y gair, "Dilyn Fi."

Ti'r Hwn oddefaist
    ofidiau marwolaeth
  Dros bechaduriaid ar fryn Calfari,
Dysg in' gysegru ein hoes
    i'th wasanaeth,
  A rhoi ufudd-dod i'r
      gair, "Dilyn Fi."
efel. David Rowlands (Dewi Môn) 1836-1907

Tôn []: Dilyn Fi / Jesus is Calling
    (Benjamin M Ramsey 1849-1923)

(Follow Me)
Who is calling with a voice so merciful
  Upon thee, my brother,
      in countless perils?
Jesus the one who once called constantly
  To his disciples
      the word, "Follow me."

When pleasures be
    charming thy heart,
  Thou like a leaf
      on the swell of the flood,
God to him, and he will
    deliver thee directly,
  If only thou listen
      to the word, "Follow me."

Thou who didst suffer
    the griefs of death
  For sinners on the hill of Calvary,
Teach us to consecrate our life
    to thy service,
  And give obedience to the
      word, "Follow me."
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
Jesus is calling in accents of tenderness,
  Jesus is calling,
      my brother, to thee,
Just as of old, by the waters of Galilee,
  Fell from His lips
      the command, "Follow Me."

Take to the Saviour thy
    sorrow and selfishness,
  Break from the fetters of sin,
      and be free;
Jesus has promised thee strength
    as thou needest it,
  If thou obey the
      command, "Follow Me."

O Thou who knowest our
    wants and infirmities,
  Thou who hast promised our Helper to be,
Grant us Thy grace, that
    with heart-searching earnestness
  We may respond to the
      call, "Follow Me."
Benjamin Mansell Ramsey 1849-1923

Tune []: Jesus is Calling
    (Benjamin M Ramsey 1849-1923)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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