Pwy yw? Mae hon a'i bron yn brudd, A llwyd ei grudd o dan y groes, Y cnawd a'r byd i'w hymlid sydd, Braidd colli'r dydd mewn ingol loes; Grym uffern oll gais lethu hon, Gan wneyd ei gwirion fron yn friw: Yn wael a llesg, heb lewyrch llon, Tan aml i dòn mae hon - Pwy yw? Pwy yw? Mae'n brwydro'n uwch na'r llawer, Ymloywa'n awr mal lleuad ferth; Mil purach, gwychach yw ei gwawr, Na'r heulwen ddirfawr yn ei nerth; Hi sang yn rymus ar y ddraig, Rhoe's naid o'r aig ofnadwy'n fyw, A phwys ei phen ar gadarn Graig, O ryfedd wraig! - Mae'n hardd! - Pwy yw? Pwy yw? y frwydr droes o'i thu, Banerau i fyny, gwelaf fyrdd; Mae'n dod, mae'n dod o'r anial, fry, Gan dremio'n hyf ar ŵr o urdd: Ei Blaenor, cadarn Iôr yw Ef, Mae'n llon ei llef, a'i gwedd yn wiw, - Bu'n wael - mae'n wych; - bu'n wan - mae'n gref; Adseinied nef, - on'd Seion yw! Robert Parry (Robyn Ddu Eryri) 1804-92 Tôn [MHD 8888D]: Bethesda (Richard S Hughes 1855-93) |
Who is it? She has a sad breast, And grey her cheek under the cross, The flesh and the world are to be chased, Almost losing the day in agonising anguish; All the force of hell tries to oppress her, Making her innocent breast bruised: Poor and feeble, without a cheerful gleam, Under many a wave is she - who is it? Who is it? She is battling above the earth, She shines now like a beautiful moon; A thousand times purer, more brilliant is her dawn, Than the enormous bright sun in its strength; She tramples forcefully on the dragon, She gave a leap from the terrible host alive, And leaned her head on a firm Rock, O wonderful woman! - She is beautiful! - who is it? Who is it? the battle turns in her favour, Banners up, I see a myriad; She is coming, she is coming from the desert, up, Looking bold on a man dignity: Her Leader, the firm Lord is he, Her cry is cheerful and her countenance is worthy, - She was poor - she is brilliant: - she was weak - she is strong; Let heaven resound, - it is not Zion! tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |