Pwy yw? Mae'n hoff ei drem a hardd

(Pwy yw Hwn?)
Pwy yw? Mae'n hoff
    ei drem a hardd,
  O'i flaen y chwardd anwylion nef,
Tryliwiog wrid teg flodau gardd
  A siriol dardd o'i ruddiau Ef;
Tywyniad serch ar ddynol lu
  A geir yn gu o'i lygaid gwiw,
Mae'n lân, heb fai,
    ei ail ni fu,
  O hawddgar Un! - Mae'n dêg, Pwy yw?

Pwy yw? Mae'r bryniau'n 
    crynu'n nghyd,
  A'r dreigiau'n plygu
      dan ei draed;
Gordanbaid nerth
    sydd yn ei bryd,
  A'i loywaf wisg
      yn llif o waed;
Mae'n dâl, heb angen
    un o'i dû, -
  Llawn grymusderau o bob rhyw,
O'i flaen y cwymp gelynion lu,
  A'i nerthoedd fry -
      Mae'n gryf! Pwy yw?

Pwy yw? Mae hwn a'i enw'n Iôr,
  A'i ddirfawr drysor yn ddidrai:
Haelioni sydd o'i fewn yn fôr,
  I fywhau'r beïus, lladd y bai;
I'r tlawd newynog, mae'n rhoi mael,
  A gwisg yn wỳn y dû ei liw;
Mae'n deg! mae'n gryf!
    mae oll yn hael!
  Clyw, Seion wael - Dy Iesu yw!
Robert Parry (Robyn Ddu Eryri) 1804-92

Tôn [MHD 8888D]: Bethesda (Richard S Hughes 1855-93)

gwelir: Pwy yw? Mae hon a'i bron yn brudd

(Who is this?)
Who is it? His look is
    lovely and beautiful,
  Before him the dear ones of heaven laugh,
The colourful blush of fair and cheerful
  Garden flowers issues from his cheeks;
The shining affection towards a human host
  Comes dearly from his worthy eyes,
He is holy, without fault,
    never was his equal,
  O beautiful One! - He is fair. Who is it?

Who is it? The hills are
    trembling together,
  And the dragons are bowing 
      beneath his feet;
A super-fiery strength is
    in his countenance,
  And his most shining clothing
      a stream of blood;
He holds, with no need of
    anyone on his side, -
  Full powers of every kind,
Before him fall a host of enemies,
  And his strengths above -
      He is strong! Who is it?

Who is it? He whose name is the Lord,
  With his enormous unebbing treasure:
Generous he is within it as a sea,
  To give the sinful life, to kill the sin;
To the hungry poor, he gives sustenance,
  And dresses in white the black of colour;
He is fair! He is strong!
    He is all generous!
  Hear, poor Zion - Thy Jesus he is!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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