Pa le mae dy hen drugareddau Hyfrydwch dy gariad erioed? Pa le mae yr hen ymweliadau Fu'n tynnu y byd at dy droed? Na thro dy gynteddau'n waradwydd, Ond maddau galedwch mor fawr; O breswyl dy ddwyfol sancteiddrwydd Tywynned dy ŵyneb i lawr. O cofia dy hen addewidion Sy'n ras a gwirionedd i gyd; Mae manna'r addewid yn ddigon I dorri anghenion y byd. I Seion rho newydd destunau I gan dy fawl yn gytûn, A dychwel â'th hen drugareddau Er mwyn dy ogoniant dy hun.Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850-1923 Tôn [9898D]: Beddgelert (J D Jones 1827-70) |
Where are thy old mercies Ever the delight of thy love? Where are the old visitations Which once drew the world to thy feet? Thy courts will not turn into reproach, But forgiveness of hardness so great; From the abode of they divine holiness Let thy face shine down. Oh remember thy old promises Which are all grace and truth; The manna of the promise is sufficient To break the needs of the world. To Zion give new subjects To sing thy praise in unity, And return with thy old mercies For the sake of thy own 2011 Richard B Gillion |