Pa nifer sydd o dan y sêr?

Whene'er I take my walks abroad

(Daioni Duw yn narpariad
angenrheidiau bywyd)
Pa nifer sydd o dan y sêr
  A blinder i'w hamgylchu?
Heb fwyd na dïod ar y daith,
  Na gwely chwaith i gysgu!

Ond wrthyf fi mae Duw yn hael,
  O'i law 'rwy'n cael trugaredd;
Cael bwyd a dillad yn eu pryd,
  A gwely clyd i orwedd.

Mae rhai yn tyngu a rhegu'n rhydd,
  Ar hyd heolydd Cymru;
Addysgir fi, tra byddwyf byw,
  I ofni Duw a'i garu.

Ac er nad wyf ond plentyn gwân,
  Dymunwn ran O rinwedd,
I garu Llywydd nef a llawr,
  A seinio ei fawr glodforedd.

Ni allaf adrodd unrhyw dro
  A brofais o ddaioni;
Ond nid fy haeddiant ydoedd hyn:
  Ond bod yn llyn trueni!

Penodwyd, cyn llewyrchiad gwawr,
  O rhyfedd, fawr ddaioni!
Dros feiau mawrion, rif y dail,
  I Adda'r ail eirioli!
efel. Corph y Gaingc 1810

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The Goodness of God in the provision
of the necessities of life)
What number are there under the stars
  With grief surrounding them?
Without food or drink on the journey,
  Nor bed either to sleep!

But to me God is generous,
  From his hand I am getting mercy;
Getting food and clothing in their time,
  And a cosy bed to lie.

Some are swearing and making oaths freely,
  Along the streets of Wales;
I am to be taught, while ever I live,
  To fear God and love him.

And although I am only a weak child,
  I ask for a part of virtue,
To love the Governor of heaven and earth,
  And sound his great praise.

I cannot report any time
  What I experienced of his goodness;
But not my merit was this:
  But being in a lake of mercy!

It was fixed, before the shining of dawn,
  O wonder, great goodness!
For great faults, numerous as the foliage,
  For the second Adam to intercede!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Praise for Mercies)
Whene'er I take my walks abroad,
  How many poor I see!
What shall I render to my God
  For all his gifts to me?

Not more than others I deserve,
  Yet God hath given me more:
For I have food, while others starve,
  Or beg from door to door.

How many children in the street
  Half naked I behold!
While I am clothed from head to feet,
  And cover'd from the cold.

While some poor wretches scarce can tell
  Where they may lay their head,
I have a home wherein to dwell,
  And rest upon my bed.

While others early learn to swear,
  And curse, and lie, and steal,
Lord, I am taught thy name to fear,
  And do thy holy will.

Are these thy favours, day by day,
  To me above the rest?
Then let me love thee more than they,
  And try to serve thee best.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Divine and Moral Songs for Children 1715
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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