Paham mae pechod o un rhyw?

(Penarglwyddiaeth Rad)
Paham mae pechod o un rhyw
  Yn mysg gwaith Duw goruchaf?
Drwy sanctaidd ddeddf i'w erbyn ddaeth,
  Paham y aeth i'r eithaf?

Paham, er breintiau o bob rhyw,
  Gadawai Dduw'r Iuddewon
I gwblhau'r gair am Grist, ac Oh!
  Croeshoelio'r Brenin tirion?

Y genedl hon, p'am torwyd hi?
  A'n himpio ni, genedloedd?
Gwrthodir ninau yr yn wedd
  Am yr un camwedd cyhoedd.

Hyn oll fel gorfoleddai gras,
  Lle'r ydoedd teyrnas pechod;
Ac fel yn rhagor yr amlhai,
  Ac y dysgleiriai'n hynod.

Er maeddu balchder
    pawb o'r byd,
  A'u gyru'n nghyd i g'wilydd;
Fel byddai'r etholedig hâd
  Dan rwymau i rad Waredydd.

Ac fel eu hadeiledid hwy
  Yn dŷ Dduw
      drwy ffydd fywiol;
Dyrchefir dwyfol
    ras y Ner,
  Pan ddamnier yr hunanol.

O! ddyfnder golud mawr didrai
  Ei farnau a'i wybodaeth;
O mor anolrheinadwy yw
  Doethinieb Duw a'i arfaeth!

Pa ryw greadur all nesâu
  At gamrau'r Duw ofnadwy;
Mae ei fwriadau yn mob man,
  A'i ffyrdd yn anchwiliadwy.

Pwy wybu 'rioed o ddynolryw
  Feddyliau'r Duw goruchel?
Pwy fu gynghorwr Duw ei hun,
  Cyn creu na dyn nac angel?

O hon ef, a thrwyddo ef,
  Ac iddo Ef, (y gwaeddant;)
Y mae pob peth; byth iddo b'o
  Yr enw a'r gogoniant.
cyf. 1812 Dafydd Owen (Dewi Wyn o Eifion) 1784-1841

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Gracious Overlordship)
Why is there sin of any kind
  Amidst the work of God most high?
Through the holy law which came against it,
  Why did it go to such an extreme?

Why, despite privileges of every kind,
  Did God allow the Jews
To fulfill the word about Christ, and Oh!
  To crucify the gentle King?

This nation, why was it broken off?
  And we, gentiles, grafted on?
We too are to be rejected in the same way
  For the same public transgression.

All this as grace would be jubilant,
  Where there was the reign of sin;
And thus abundantly it would exceed,
  And would shine notably.

In order to beat the pride
    of everyone of the world,
  And drive them together to shame;
Thus would the chosen seed be
  Under bonds to a gracious Deliverer.

And thus they were rebuilt
  Into the house of God
      through living faith;
The divine grace of the Chief
    is to be exalted,
  When the selfish are condemned.

O the depth of the great, unebbing wealth
  Of his judgments and his knowledge;
O how untraceable is
  The wisdom of God and his purpose!

What kind of creature can approach
  The steps of the terrible God;
His intentions in every place and
  His ways are unsearchable.

Who of humankind ever knew
  The thoughts of the God most high?
Who was the counsellor of God himself,
  Before the creation of man or angel?

From him and through him,
  And unto Him, (they shout;)
Is every thing; forever to him be
  The name and the glory.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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