Paham, paham yr ofnaf mwy, Waelodion dyfnion bedd? Mi ddringaf adref fry heb glwy', I fryn tragwyddol hedd. O! f'enaid anwyl, dyrcha'th ben, Gwel ddydd yn gwawrio draw, Pan godir teulu'r addwyn Oen, Uwch galar, poen, a braw. Caf fyn'd pryd hyn at frodyr llon, Caf delyn yn eu plith; Caf ganu'n iach i'r fuchedd hon, A'i holl helbulon chwith. Caf fy holl ofnau tan fy nhraed, O ddedwydd, ddedwydd ddydd! Caf ganu byth am Grist a'i waed, O'm holl gadwynau'n rhydd.Benjamin Price (Cymro Bach) 1792-1854 Tôn [MC 8686]: Reudsburg (A Kruger 1628-66) |
Why, why shall I fear any more, The deep bottoms of the grave? I shall climb home above unharmed, To the hill of eternal peace. O my dear soul, raise thy head! See the day dawning yonder, When the family of the dear Lamb is to be raised, Above lamentation, pain, and terror. I shall get to go then to my cheerful brothers, I shall have a harp in their midst; I shall get to sing whole to this way of life, And all its awkward troubles. I shall get all my fears under my feet, O happy, happy day! I shall get to sing forever about Christ and his blood, From all my chains 2016 Richard B Gillion |