Paham trallodir f'enaid cu?

(Geirwiredd Duw)
Paham trallodir f'enaid cu,
Gan luoedd o ammheuon du?
  Dweyd wnaeth y digelwyddog Dduw
  Y cai'r credadyn llesgaf fyw.

Nid dyn yw ef i ddweyd ar fai,
Na mab i ddyn i 'difarhau,
  Pob gair a ro'es
      o ddechreu'r byd
  Gyflawnir oll mewn dwyfol bryd.

Ei dystiolaethau pur sy'n dwyn
Gwir ddelw hardd
    ei galon fwyn;
  Nis dichon wadu ef ei hun,
  I dwyllo angel pur na dyn.

A heibio'r ddaear gron a'r nef,
Ond byth ni phall'i eiriau ef;
  Pan doddo c'lofnau
      haul a sêr,
  Mewn dwyfol rym bydd gair fy Nêr.

Cyflawnodd Duw ei eiriau trud,
Wrth roi ei anwyl Fab i'r byd,
  Yr hwn sydd wystl cadarn im'
  Bydd pob addewid
      byth mewn grym.

Ar lân dystiolaeth eirwir Naf
Rhoi pwys fy enaid tlawd a wnaf;
  Trwy air ei nerth gwnaeth
      bethau mwy
  Nâ'm dàl i'r làn, er llesged wy'.
Casgliad Joseph Harris 1845

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Antigua (<1835)
Islington (<1845)
Wells (<1835)

(The Truthfulness of God)
Why is my dear soul troubled,
By hosts of black doubts?
  Say, does the unlying God,
  That the weakest believer may live.

Not a man is he to speak wrongly,
Nor a son of man to repent,
  Every word he gave
      from the beginning of the world
  Is all to be fulfilled
      in divine time.

His pure testimonies are bringing
The true, beautiful image
     of his gentle heart;
  He cannot deny him himself,
  To deceive a pure angel or a man.

The round earth and heaven shall pass,
But never shall his words fail;
  When the pillars of
      sun and stars shall melt,
  In divine force shall be
      the word of my Lord.

God fulfilled his precious word,
By giving his beloved Son to the world,
  He who is a firm pledge to me
  That every promise shall forever
      be in force.

On the pure testimony of a truthful Chief
Lean my poor soul I shall do;
  Through the world of his strength he did
      greater things that will evermore
  Hold me up, despite how feeble I am.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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