Paham y gwledda un dyn byw?

Paham y gwledda un dyn byw
  Yng ngwleddoedd bras y llawr?
Draw, draw mae glwedd
    y nefol wlad,
  Yn nhragwyddoldeb mawr.

Rhaid yw darostwng
    natur dyn,
  Rhaid yw croeshoelio'r cnawd;
Pan ddaeth yn Iesu atom ni,
  Fe ddaeth mewn cyflwr tlawd.

Bu'n Harglwydd yn yr anial dir
  Mewn ympryd ddydd a nos,
Gan ymbartoi i fynd ymlaen
  I rodi ffordd y Groes.

Trown heibio foethau
    ennyd bach,
  Gan drechu chwantau'r cnawd;
A chofiwn ddirwest
    Mab y Dyn,
  Pan ddaeth i ni yn Frawd.
David Owen (Brutus) 1795-1866

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    Burford (Salmydd Chetham 1718)
    Gloucester (Salmydd Ravenscroft 1621)
    St James (R Courteville -1772)

Why does any living man feast
  In the fat feasts of the earth?
Yonder, yonder is the feast
    of the heavenly country,
  In a great eternity.

Necessary is the humbling
    of a man's nature,
  Necessary is the crucifying of the flesh;
When Jesus came to us,
  He came in a poor condition.

Our Lord was in the desert land
  In fasting day and night,
While preparing to go forward
  To walk the way of the Cross.

Let us turn aside from indulgences
    for a little while,
  Overcoming the lusts of the flesh;
And let us remember the abstinence
    of the Son of Man,
  When he came to us as a Brother.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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