Paham yr ofna'm henaid cu?

(Gobaith bod yn rhydd)
Paham yr ofna'm henaid cu
I lànio i'r hafan hyfryd fry?
  On'd oes mil myrdd,
      heb aeth na braw,
  O frodyr i'm croesawu draw?

Os câf, bechadur, fyned fry,
Yn iach o'm briw i blith y llu
  Sy â'u gwisgoedd hardd
      fel eira gwỳn,
  Yn canu fry ar Seion fryn;

Fy llais a glywir uwch y llèn
Yn adsain yr holl nefoedd wèn,
  Yn mhlith y dorf bwrcasodd gwaed,
  Âg enaid rhydd yn gwaeddi, "Rhâd!"

Wrth feddwl am yr hyfryd fraint
O foddi'm sŵn yn mhlith y saint,
  Mae'm henaid am ymgodi'n lân
  I'r nefoedd fry mewn fflam o dân.
William Williams 1717-91

Tunes [MH 8888]:
Carey (Henry Carey 1687-1743)
Rockingham (E Miller 1731-1807)
St Olave (Robert Hudson)

(Hope of being free)
Why shall my dear soul fear
To land in the delightful haven above?
  Are there not a thousand myriad,
      without pang or terror,
  Of my brothers crossing yonder?

If I get, a sinner, to go above,
Whole from my bruise amongst the throng
  With their beautiful garments
      like white snow,
  Singing above on Zion hill;

My voice is to be heard above the curtain
Resounding the whole bright heavens,
  Amongst the throng blood purchased,
  With a soul free shouting, "Free!"

On thinking about the delightful privilege
Of drowning my sound amongst the saints,
  My soul wants to lift itself up
  To heaven above in a flame of fire.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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