Palmentir llwybr in'

(Y daith i Ganaan)
Palmentir llwybr in',
  Trwy ganol moroedd maith
Ac er gelynion, fawr a mân,
  Cawn fyn'd
      yn mlaen i'n taith:
Ar drostan heddyw'n nês,
  Mae'r sarph o brês yn glir,
Os clwyfir un pererin gwàn,
  Sy'n myn'd i'r Ganaan dir.

Iorddonen dry yn ôl,
  'Ro'i lle i'r nefol hâd,
I etifeddu'r hyfryd fàn
  Addawyd gan y Tad:
'D all pechod, nac un chwant,
  Ddim attal plant y nef
I dreiddio trwy
    bob llif a thòn
  Yn union ato Ef.

           - - - - -

Palmentir llwybr in'
  Trwy ganol moroedd maith,
Ac er gelynion, fawr a mân
 Cawn fyn'd
     ym mlaen i'n taith.

Ar drostan heddyw'n nes
  Mae'r sarff o bres yn glir,
Os clwyfir un pererin gwan
  Sy'n myn'd i'r Ganaan dir.

'Does le ini golli'r ffordd,
  Mae niwl y dydd o'n blaen;
Fe'n t'wysir trwy'r anialwch hir
  Gan golofn bur o dân.

Arweinia Dwyfol ras
  Ni'n gywir maes o law,
Trwy ganol maith sychedig dîr,
  I'r Ganaan bur sydd draw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MBD 686D]:
    Amana (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
    Bonar (C H Steggall 1826-1905)

(The journey to Canaan)
A path is to be paved for us,
  Through the middle of vast seas
And despite enemies, great and small,
  We shall get to go
      forward on our journey:
And over them today approaching,
  Is the serpent of bronze clearly,
If any weak pilgrim is to be wounded,
  Who is going to the land of Canaan.

Jordan shall turn back,
  To give way for the heavenly seed,
To inherit the delightful place
  Promised by the Father:
Sin cannot, nor any lust,
  Prevent the children of heaven at all
From penetrating through
    every flood and wave
  Directly towards Him.

               - - - - -

A path is to be paved for us
  Through the centre of vast seas
And despite enemies, great and small
  We shall get to go
      forward on our journey.

Over them today approaching
  The serpent of bronze is clear,
If any weak pilgrim is to be wounded
  Who is going to the land of Canaan.

There is nowhere for us to lose the way,
  The fog of day is before us;
We shall be led through the long desert
  By a pure pillar of fire.

Divine grace shall lead
  Us truly soon,
Through the middle of a thirsty land,
 To the pure Canaan which is yonder.
tr. 2017,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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