Pa'm bechadur byddi farw?

Sinners turn why will you die?

(Paham y byddwch feirw?)
1,2,3,4;  1,2,4,5,8;  1,2,5,6,8;  1,2,4,7.
Pam bechadur, byddi farw?
  Pam y colli'th enaid drud?
'R Hwn a'th wnaeth sy'n gofyn heddyw,
  Pam yr ymgyndyni cyd?

Pam yr ail-groeshoeli'r Iesu?
  Pam gwrthodi droi a byw?
Mae E'n awr am dy waredu,
  Dychwel, dychwel at dy Dduw.

Gochel iddo'th roddi fyny -
  Cyn it' orwedd yn y bedd; -
Cyn i angeu dy ysgaru,
  Myn adnabod Duw mewn hedd.

Nid oes sicrwydd am y foru,
  Heddyw ydyw adeg Duw:
Deffro! deffro! - pam y cysgi?
  Cred yn Iesu -
      a chei fyw.

Prysur ddarfod mae dy ddyddiau,
  Dyfod y mae angen du;
Er i ti yn ysgafn chwareu,
  Dyrwyn mae dy oriau di.

Yn mha le y bydd dy drigfan
  Wedi'r elo'r byd ar dân?
O, fy enaid, meddwl weithian
  Am y daith sydd o dy flaen.

Buan iawn eheda'r ysbryd
  At y Duw yr Hwn a'i rhoes,
O! am ddwyfol ras a bywyd
  Cyn cyrhaeddyd terfyn oes.

Cyn i Dduw dy roddi' fyny,
  Cyn it' orwedd yn y bedd,
Cyn i angeu dy ddychrynu,
  Myn adnabod Duw a'i hedd.

             - - - - -

Pa'm bechadur byddi farw?
  Pa'm y colli'th enaid drud?
'Rhwn a'th wnaeth sy'n gofyn heddyw,
  Pa'm yr ymgyndyni c'yd?
Pa'm yr ail-groeshoeli'r Iesu?
  Pa'm gwrthodi droi a byw?
Darfu iddo drosot waedu;
  Dychwel, dychwel at dy Dduw.

Prysur ddarfod mae dy ddyddiau,
  Dod mae angeu is y nen;
Er i ti yn ysgafn chwarae,
  Dirwyn mae dy oriau i ben;
Nid oes sicrwydd am y foru,
  Heddyw ydyw amser Duw:
Deffro! deffro! pa'm y cysgi?
  Cred yn Iesu a bydd byw.

Yn mha le y bydd dy drigfan
  Wedi'r elo'r byd ar dân?
O! fy enaid, meddwl weithian
  Am y daith sydd o dy flaen;
Cyn i Dduw dy roddi' fyny,
  Cyn it' orwedd yn y bedd,
Cyn i'r Barnwr dy ddidoli,
  Mỳn adnabod Duw a'i hedd.
cyf. John Bryan 1776-1856

Tonau [8787]:
Bugail Israel (Tom Price 1857-1925)
  Gluckstadt (<1875)
Narberth (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-1874)
Sardis (Ludwig v Beethoven 1770-1827)
St Sylvester (J B Dykes 1823-76)

Tôn [8787D]:
Arfon/Meribah (alaw Gymreig/Ffrengig)

(Why will ye die?)
Why, sinner, wilt thou die?
  Why wilt thou lose thy precious soul?
He who made thee is asking today,
  Why wilt thou be stubborn so long?

Why wilt thou re-crucify Jesus?
  Why wilt thou refuse to turn and live?
He is now wanting to deliver thee,
  Return, return to thy God.

He refuses to give thee up -
  Before thou lie in the grave -
Before death divorces thee,
  Insist on knowing God in peace.

There is no certainty about tomorrow,
  Today is God's time:
Awake! awake! - why wilt thou sleep?
  Believe in Jesus -
      and thou shalt get to live.

Hastening to vanish are thy days,
  Coming is thy black death;
Although thou play lightly,
  Winding up are thy hours.

In what place shall be thy dwelling
  After the world goes on fire?
O, my soul, think now
  About the journey that it before thee.

Very soon thy spirit shall fly
  To God, to Him who gave it,
O what divine grace and life
  Before reaching the end of thy age!

Before God gives thee up,
  Before thou liest in the grave,
Before death terrifies thee,
  Insist on knowing God and his peace.

                - - - - -

Why, sinner, wilt thou die?
  Why wilt thou lose thy precious soul?
He who made thee is asking today,
  Why wilt thou be stubborn so long?
Why dost thou re-crucify Jesus?
  Why dost thou refuse to turn and live?
He came to bleed for thee;
  Return, return to thy God.

Hastening to vanish are thy days,
  Coming is death below the sky;
Although thou play lightly,
  Winding are thy days to an end;
There is no certainty about tomorrow,
  Today is God's time:
Awake! awake! why wilt thou sleep?
  Believe in Jesus and thou shalt live.

In what place shall be thy dwelling
  After the world goes on fire?
O my soul! think now
  About the journey that is before thee;
Before God gives thee up,
  Before thou liest in the grave,
Before thy Judge deprive thee,
  Insist on knowing God and his peace.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Sinners, turn: why will you die?
  God, your maker, asks you why.
God, who did your being give,
  Gave Himself, that you might live;
He the fatal cause demands,
  Asks the work of His own hands.
Why, you thankless creatures, why,
  Will you cross His love, and die?

Sinners, turn: why will you die?
  God, your Saviour, asks you why.
God, who did your souls retrieve,
  Died Himself, that you might live.
Will you let Him die in vain?
  Crucify your Lord again?
Why, you ransomed sinners, why,
  Will you slight His grace and die?

Sinners, turn: why will you die?
  God, the Spirit, asks you why;
He, who all your lives hath strove,
  Wooed you to embrace His love.
Will you not His grace receive?
  Will you still refuse to live?
Why, you long sought sinners, why,
  Will you grieve your God, and die?

Dead, already dead within,
  Spiritually dead in sin,
Dead to God while here you breathe,
  Pant ye after second death?
Will you still in sin remain,
  Greedy of eternal pain?
O you dying sinners, why,
  Why will you forever die?

What could your redeemer do
  More than He hath done for you?
To procure your peace with God,
  Could He more than shed His blood?
After all His waste of love,
  All His drawings from above,
Why will you your Lord deny?
  Why will you resolve to die?

Turn, He cries, ye sinners, turn;
  By His life your God hath sworn,
He would have you turn and live,
  He would all the world receive.
If your death were His delight,
  Would he you to life invite?
Would he ask, obtest, and cry,
  Why will you resolve to die?

Sinners, turn, while God is near:
  Dare not think Him insincere:
Now, even now, your Saviour stands,
  All day long He spreads His hands,
Cries, you will not happy be!
  No, you will not come to Me!
Me, who life to none deny:
  Why will you resolve to die?

Charles Wesley 1707-88

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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