Pan adeilader Sļon wych

1,(2,((3,4),5));  1,4.
(SALM CII - Seion yn ogoneddus)
Pan adeilader Sļon wych,
  A hon yn ddrych i'r gwledydd;
Pan weler gwaith yr Arglwydd ne',
  Y molir e'n dragywydd.

Hyn fydd pan gasglo pawb y'nghyd,
  Yn unfryd i'w foliannu:
A'r holl deyrnasoedd dont yngŵydd
  Yr Arglwydd, i'w was'naethu.

Yno yr holl genhedloedd byw,
  Yr Arglwydd Dduw ofnant;
A'r holl frenhinoedd trwy y byd,
  A ro'nt it' gyd ogoniant.

Fel y cyd-leisiant hwy ar gān,
  Yn Sion lān ei foliant;
Ac y'Nghaersalem yr un wedd,
  Ei fawredd a'i ogoniant.

O cyfod bellach, trugarha,
  O Dduw bydd dda wrth Sļon;
Mae'n amser wrthi drugarhau,
  Fel dyma'r nodau'n union.
Y molir e :: Fe'i molir E
Fel y cyd-leisiant hwy ::        
        Y saint gyd-leisiant byth

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tôn [MS 8787]:
Sabbath/Sabboth (J Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)
St Edward (E Stephen [Tanymarian] 1822-85)

  Fe wrendy Duw ar weddi'r gwael
  O clyw fy ngweddi Arglwydd nef
  O cyfod bellach trugarhā

(Psalm 102 - Zion as glorious)
When brilliant Zion is rebuilt,
  And this as a spectacle to the nations;
When the work of the Lord of heaven is seen,
  He will be praised in eternity.

This will be when all are gathered together,
  In one mind to praise him:
And all the kingdoms come in the presence
  Of the Lord, to serve him.

There all the living nations,
  The Lord God shall fear;
And all the kings throughout the world,
  Shall give to it together glory.

Thus they join their voices in song,
  In holy Zion of his praise;
And in Jerusalem in the same manner,
  Of his majesty and his glory.
O rise henceforth, have mercy,
  O God, be good to Zion;
It is time for thee to have mercy,
  Thus are the aims upright.
When they join their voices ::        
        The saints shall join their voices forever

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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