Pan aeth Israel drwy'r anial du

When Israel through the desert passed

Pan aeth Israel drwy'r anial du,
Arweiniodd Duw'r dewisol lu,
  A'i gwmwl, rhag erlynwyr oedd
  I'w dyogelu hwynt ar g'oedd.

Ei oleu'n tywys Israel gu,
I'r lleill yn drwch
    o d'w'llwch du;
  I'w holl elynion mawrion mae
  Nos ddofn o gythrudd, ofn a gwae.

Fel hyn, ā llewyrch dwyfol llon,
Daw Ef ā'i blant o Fabilon;
  Ymwared yw fel mur o dān,
  I'w canol yn ogoniant glān.

Lamp yw ei air -
    t'w'niadau'r nef,
Drwy ei belydrau bywiol ef,
  Mae'r nef mewn golwg i rai gwael,
  A'r Sabbath gwych
      sydd byth i'w gael.

Wrth boenus deithio nos a dydd,
Gwel'd yr orphwysfa
    maent drwy ffydd;
  Wrth dremio arni, anturio maen'
  Tuag ati dan ymloni 'mlaen.

Ond gair yr hedd a
    geir er hyn,
Yn t'w'llu teyrnas Anghrist tyn;
  O! deyrnas dywell, nos a dydd,
  Gwallgofi ac ymboeni bydd.

Ond gwyn eu byd y rhai sy'n byw,
Gan rodio'n ol
    gair dwyfol Duw;
  Caiff eu gelynion farwol glwy',
  Dygir eu hofn
      a'u dagrau hwy.
cyf. 1812 Dafydd Owen (Dewi Wyn o Eifion) 1784-1841

[Mesur: MH 8888]

When Israel went through the black desert,
God led the chosen host,
  And his cloud, from pursuers was
  To keep them safe publicly.

His light leading dear Israel,
To the others a thickness
    of black darkness;
  To all their great enemies it is
  A dark night of distress, fear and woe.

Thus, with cheerful, divine radiance,
He brought his children from Babilon;
  Deliverance he is like a wall of fire,
  To his centre in pure glory.

A lamp is his word -
    the radiances of heaven,
Through his living rays,
  Heaven is in view to poor ones,
  And the brilliant Sabbath
      which is forever available.

By painful travelling night and day,
Seeing the resting-place
    they are through faith;
  On gazing upon it, venturing they are
  Towards it, cheering themselves along.

But the word of peace which is
    to be got despite this,
Darkening the realm of stubborn Antichrist;
  O kingdom of darkness, night and day,
  Raging and being concerned shall be.

But blessed are those who are living,
Walking according to
    the divine word of God;
  There enemies shall get a mortal wound,
  Their fears and their tears
      are to be taken away.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
When Israel through the desert passed,
  A fiery pillar went before
To guide them through the dreary waste
  And lessen the fatigue they bore.

Such is Thy glorious
    Word, O God!
  'Tis for our light and guidance giv'n;
It sheds its luster all abroad
  And points the path
      to bliss and Heav'n.

It fills the soul with sweet delight,
  The heart with
      living faith empowers;
It sets our wandering footsteps right,
  Displays Thy love, and kindles ours.

Its promises
    rejoice our hearts,
  Its doctrines are divinely true;
While highest wisdom it imparts,
  It comforts and instructs us, too.

Ye favoured lands that have this Word,
  Ye saints who feel
      its saving power,
Unite your tongues to praise the Lord
  And His distinguished
      grace adore!
1769 Benjamin Beddome 1717-95

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Hebron (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Old Hundredth (Louis Bourgeois 1510-61)
Uxbridge (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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