Pan daenid llen nos ar feysydd Jwdea

(Cān yr Angel)
Pan daenid llen nos
    ar feysydd Jwdea,
Daeth golau yn ffrwd
    o orsedd Jehofa;
  Pan hunai gofalon
      a phryder yn dawel,
  Yr awyr ai'n bêr
      gan ganiad yr angel.
"Haleliwa drwy'r nef,"
    medd myrdd o angylion,
"I Dduw boed gogoniant,
    tangneffedd i ddynion."

Os ceir eto'r byd
    yn aros mewn cyffro,
Mae'r gytgan o hyd,
    o hyd yn atseinio;
  Mae'n chwilio am le
      i estyn ymwared,
  Ei bendith a ddaw
      lle ceir drws agored,
Darfydded pob cas,
    a chilied ymryson;
"I Dduw boed gogoniant,
    tangnefedd i ddynion."

Cyfiawnder a hedd
    fo'n afon liferiol,
A harddwch ei gwedd
    yn ddelw o'r dwyfol;
  A chlywer yn sain
      murmuron ei dyfroedd
  Atseiniau y gân
      sy'n deffro'r holl nefoedd,
Pob mynwes drwy'r llawr
    fo'n ateb yn ffyddlon;
"I Dduw boed gogoniant,
    tangnefedd i ddynion."
Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tonau []:
    Llangernyw (M Eddie Evans 1890-1984)
    Rhad Ras (J W P Price 1839-1918)

(The Angel's Song)
When the curtain of night
    was spread over the fields of Judea,
A light came streaming
    from the throne of Jehovah;
  When griefs and worries
      were sleeping quietly,
  The air went sweet
      with the song of the angel.
"Halellujah throughout heaven,"
    says a myriad of angels,
"To God be glory,
    peace to men."

If the world is still found
    waiting in excitement,
The chorus is still,
    still resounding;
  It is searching for a place
      to extend deliverance,
  Its blessing shall come
      where an open door is found,
Let every enemy vanish,
    and let every contention retreat;
"To God be glory,
    peace to men."

Righteousness and peace
    be a flowing river,
And the beauty of its countenance
    as an image of the divine;
  And the sound of the murmuring
      of its waters to be heard 
  The echoes of the song
      are awakening the whole heavens,
Every breast throughout the earth
    be answering faithfully;
"To God be glory,
    peace to men."
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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