Pan daeno t'wyllwch dros y wlad

(Emyn Hwyrol)
Pan daeno t'wyllwch dros y wlad,
  Rho glust i'n hwyrol gri;
A boed dy aden, dyner Dad,
  Yn gysgod drosom ni.

Yr un i Ti yw'r nos a'r dydd,
  A than dy aden Di,
Fel oriau'r dydd,
    heb fraw y bydd
  Holl oriau'r nos i ni.

Ni huni Di, O! Geidwad mawr
  Drwy oesoedd maith heb ri';
O! boed drywo'r nos,
    hyd doriad gwawr,
  Dy lygaid arnom ni.

A phan ddeffrown, O! ddwyfol Un,
  Ein mawl a rown i Ti,
Am roddi inni felys hun
  A gwylio drosom ni.
cyf. John Jenkins (Gwili) 1872-1936

Tôn [MC 8686]: Lytham / Yn Oriau'r Nos
  (James T Lightwood 1856-1944)

(Evening Hymn)
When darkness spreads across the land,
  Give ear to our evening cry;
And may thy wing, tender Father, be
  A shelter over us.

The same to Thee is the nights as the day,
  And under Thy wing,
Like the hours of the day,
    without terror shall be
  All the hours of the night to us.

Do not sleep, O great Saviour,
  Through the vast ages without number!
Oh, through the night,
    until break of dawn, let Thy
  Eyes upon us be.

And when we awake, O divine One,
  Our praise we shall render to Thee,
For giving to us sweet sleep
  And watching over us.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
Lord, when we have not any light,
  And mothers are asleep;
Then through the stillness of the night,
  Thy little children keep.

When shadows haunt the quiet room,
  Help us to understand
That Thou art with us
    through the gloom,
  To hold us by the hand.

And though we do not always see
  The holy angels near,
O may we trust ourselves
    to Thee,
  Nor have one foolish fear.

So in the morning may we wake,
  When wakes the kindly sun,
More loving for our Father’s sake
  To each unloving one.
Annie Matheson 1853-1924

Tune [CM 8686]: Lytham
  (James T Lightwood 1856-1944)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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