Pan ddeuodd y goruchel Dduw

(Rhad Ras Dduw -
"At yr eiddo ei hun y daeth,
a'r eiddo ei hun nis derbyniasant ef.")
Pan ddeuodd y goruchel Dduw,
I'r ddaear lawr at ddynol ryw,
  Yr Iuddew gaid, yn dweyd ar g'oedd,
  Mai cyfaill pechaduriaid oedd.

Ni wadodd ddim, - dywedodd ef,
Yn addfwyn genadwri'r nef,
  Mae i alw'r wasgaredig ryw,
  Y daethai ef, - yn ol at Dduw.

Dirmygus ganddynt oedd yr iaith,
Heb wybod yr ysgrythyr chwaith,
  Y casglai Crist grwydredig lu,
  Ei braidd i'w gorlan hardd yn gu.

Dirmygu'r gras goruchel iawn,
I'r nefoedd sy'n llawenydd llawn;
  Mae lluoedd hon yn llawenhau,
  Pan fo i'r un edifarhau.

I dywallt gwarth ar falchder dyn,
Llychwino ymffrost gwag ei lun,
  Gwan bethau'r byd etholodd Duw,
  Y waelaf radd o ddynol ryw.

Mor ryfedd yw dy waith O! Dduw,
Rhag doethion byd
      cuddiedig yw,
  Ai boddlawn
      yn dy olwg hael,
  Ei ddangos i rai bychain gwael.

Mae'n wir nad yw
    yn nyled un,
Ei ddeddf a dorwyd gan bob dyn!
  Dangosodd ei drugaredd gu,
  I'r gwrthryfelwyr gwaethaf fu.

Y lleidr gynt a Magdalen,
A'r gwyr a'i hoeliodd wrth y pren,
  Y'nt flaenffrwyth
      ei gynhauaf gwiw;
  A blaenffrwyth hefyd
      ŷnt i Dduw.

Maent yn effeithiol lawn goffhad,
O'i ras a'i rydd drugaredd rad,
  Rhag digaloni enaid byw,
  Eto a ddel yn ol at Dduw.

Drwy'r aberth gwirfodd
    lawn a gaed,
A'r flynon werthfawr goch o waed,
  Agored i dŷ Ddafydd yw,
  I olchi pechod o bob rhyw.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850
Gardd Eifion 1851

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Free Grace of God -
"He came to his own,
And his own had not received him.")
When the most high God came,
To earth down to human kind,
  The Jew found, saying publicly,
  That a friend of sinners he was.

He denied nothing, - he aid,
In the gentle mission of heaven,
  That to call the scattered ones,
  He had come, - back to God.

Scornful by them was the language,
Without knowling the scriptures either,
  Christ would gather the scattered host,
  His flock into the beautiful fold dearly.

Scorning the very supreme grace,
To heaven which is full of joy;
  These hosts are rejoicing
  Whenever one repents.

To pour out disgrace on the pride of man,
To sully the empty pride of his image,
  The weak things of the world God chose,
  The poorest degree of human kind.

How wonderful is thy work O God!
From the wise ones of the world
    hidden it is,
  It would go pleasing
      in thy generous sight,
  To show him to the little poor ones.

It is true that he is not
    in the debt of any,
His law was broken by every man!
  He showed his dear mercy,
  To the worst rebels that ever were.

The former thief and Magdalen,
And the men who nailed him to the tree,
  They were the firstfruits
      of his worthy harvest;
  And the firstfruits also
      they are for God.

They are an effective, full memorial,
Of his grace which gave free mercy,
  Let a living soul lose heart,
  Again which comes back to God.

Through the voluntary, full
    sacrifice that was got,
And the precious red spring of blood,
  Opened to the house of David it is,
  To wash sin of every kind.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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