Pan ddisgynnaist gynt i drigo Gyda dynion, Arglwydd glân, Ti ddanfonaist dy Cenhadwr I bar'tôi dy ffordd o'th flaen; Dyro heddiw I'th genhadon gyfryw ras. Caniatâ i'th weinidogion, Goruchwylwyr da dy dŷ, Lwyr arloesi ffordd it eto I galonnau myrdd di-ri'; Trwy droi'r cyndyn I ddoethineb pur dy Saint. Yna ar dy ail Ddyfodiad I iawn farnu dynol-ryw, Caffer ninnau'n gymeradwy Yn dy olwg di, ein Duw, Trwy ryglyddon Dy ddioddefaint ar y Groes. Boed i'r Iesu yn ei Adfent, Glod a moliant, parch a bri, Gyda'r Tad a'r Sanctaidd Ysbryd, Heb wahân yn Un a Thri; Byth heb diwedd, Fel o'r dechrau, seinia'u clod. Goruchwylwyr da :: A gor'chwylwyr da Caffer ninnau'n gymeradwy :: Ceir ni'n bobol gymmeradwy dy olwg, di :: dy olwg O ddioddefaint :: oddefaint Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831
Tonau [878747]: |
When thou didst descend before to dwell With men, holy Lord, Thou didst send thy Emissary To prepare thy way before thee; Grant today To thy emissaries a like grace. Allow thy ministers, The good overseers of thy house, Completely to pioneer a way for thee again To hearten an innumerable myriad; Through turning the stubborn To the pure wisdom of thy Saints. Then on thy second Coming To rightly judge human-kind, That we get ourselves acceptable In thy sight, our God, Through the merits Of thy suffering on the Cross. Let there be to Jesus in his Advent, Praise and worship, reverence and honour, With the Father and the Holy Spirit, Without division as One and Three; Forever without end, As from the beginning, sound their praise. The good overseers :: And the good overseers That we get ourselves acceptable :: We are to get ourselves acceptable people thy sight, :: thy sight, O :: tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |