Pan fu fy Arglwydd mawr Yn llawr y bedd, Cynhesodd wely i mi Rhag oeri'm gwedd; Yn rhydd, ryw ddydd a ddaw, Rho'wch fi â'ch llaw'r un lle; 'Rwy'n caru, er yn wàn, Y fàn bu 'Fe. Wrth wel'd yr angeu du Yn nesu'n awr, 'R wy'n ofni ambell dro Wrth gofio'r awr; Pan gwelwy'r gwaith trwy ffydd Y trydydd dydd wnaeth Duw, Mae 'ngobaith yn fwy cry' Do'i fyny'n fyw. Ni allodd angau a'i lu Ddal Iesu'n hwy, Fe gafodd sigo ei siol  marwol glwy': Ni ddelir un o'r plant, Er mynd i bant y bedd, Fe'u gwelir ar y lan Yn wiwlan wedd. O Dduw! dôd imi ffydd, Bob dydd o'r daith, 'Wel'd Seion yn nesau, Dros fryniau maith: Yn Ben mae yno'n byw Fy Iesu, 'n Dduw a dyn, Fu yma'n wael Ei wedd Mewn bedd Ei Hun. Ei gwmni i gario'r groes Trwy f'oes gaf i, A'i gwmni 'ngwaelod bedd Sydd fawredd fri: Er cael fy rhoi'n y llan O fewn i'r graean grud, Ni'm cleddir o'i ŵydd e' Mewn lle 'n y byd. Er pydru yn y bedd Yn farwedd fud, Daw'r Iesu i'm codi'n iach Ar brafiach bryd: A'm llygaid innau a'i gwêl Mae'r gair dan sêl yn wir, Mewn newydd ddedwydd ddydd, Boreddydd clir. Rhag oeri'm gwedd :: Rai gwael ein gwedd Mae 'ngobaith :: Mae'r gobaith fwy cry' :: fwy hy angau a'i lu :: angeu du
William Ellis (Gwilym ab Elis) 1752-1810
Tonau [6464.6664]:
gwelir: |
When my great Lord was In the floor of the grave, He warmed a bed for me Against the coldness of my condition; Freely, some day to come, Give me with thy hand the same place; I am loving, although weak, The place He was. On seeing the black death Drawing near, I am fearing many a time While remembering the hour; When I will see the work through faith, On the third day, that God did, My hope is more strong I shall come up alive. Death and its host could not Hold Jesus any longer, It got its head crushed With a mortal wound: None of the children is to be held, Despite going to the hollow of the grave, They are to be seen up again In a worthy, holy condition. O God, give to me faith! Every day of the journey, To see Zion getting nearer, Over vast hills: As Head there living is My Jesus, as God and man, Who was here with a poor appearance In a grave Himself. His company to carry the cross Throughout my age I may have, And his company in the bottom of the grave Is a greatness of honour: Although getting put in the churchyard Within the gravel cradle, I am not to be buried from his countenance Any place in the world. Despite decaying in the grave Deathly mute, Jesus shall come to raise me whole At a better time: And my own eyes shall see him The word is under seal as true, In a new, happy day, A clear morn of day. Against the coldness of my condition :: Some of a poor condition My hope is :: The hope is more strong :: more bold death and its host :: black death tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |