Pan oeddym mewn anobaith dû, Yn llawn trueni mawr, Heb lewyrch yn ein cyflwr caeth, Na gobaith gweled gwawr; Tywysog hedd a'n canfu oll Yn ngholl mewn ing a gwae; Tosturiodd wrthym, ac o'i fodd Fe redodd i'n rhyddhau. Ymwisgodd yn ein natur wael I gael ei hadfer hi; A rhoes ei hun anfeidrol werth, Yn aberth drosom ni. Y creigiau'n nghyda'r bryniau teg, O'ch gosteg seiniwch gân; A holl blant Adda îs y rhod, Rhowch glod i'w enw glân. A chwithau, engyl, llawenhewch, Tarewch delynau'r nef; Er hyn ni chenir digon byth Am waith ei gariad ef.Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844 Tôn [MC 8686]: St Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707) |
When we were in black hopelessness, Full of great misery, Without a gleam in our captive condition, Nor hope of seeing a dawn; The Prince of peace found us all Lost in anguish and woe; He had mercy on us, and from his will He gave to us freedom. He wore our base nature To get its restoration; And gave himself of immeasurable worth, As a sacrifice for us. The rocks together with the fair hills, From your calm, sound a song; And all the children of Adam under the sky, Render ye praise to his holy name. And ye, angels, rejoice, Strike the harps of heaven; Despite this never will enough be sung About the work of his 2016 Richard B Gillion |