Pan sycho'r moroedd dyfnion maith

(Pob Peth yng Nghrist)
Pan sycho'r moroedd dyfnion maith,
  A syrthio sêr y nen,
Oen Duw, a laddwyd ar y bryn,
  Ar Seion fydd yn Ben.

Ei enw a bery tra fo haul, 
  Yn glodfawr byth y bydd;
Ac ni bydd diwedd ar ei glod
  I dragwyddoldeb ddydd.

Bendithion rif y tywod man,
  A gwlith y ddaear lawr,
Sy 'nghadw i'r ffyddloniaid fry
  Byth yn eu Harglwydd mawr.

Aed enwau'r byd i gyd yn ddim,
  Dyrchafer Brenin nef;
Mae pob cyflawnder inni byth
  Yng nghadw ynddo Ef.
A syrthio sêr :: Pan syrthio sêr
Oen Duw, a laddwyd ar y bryn :: Yr hwn fu farw, ac sydd fyw
cyflawnder inni byth :: cyfiawnder, gras, a nerth
Yng nghadw :: Yn trigo

Morgan Rhys 1716-79

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Christchurch (<1876)
  Church Street (<1835)
Emrys (W M Roberts 1853-1923)
French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
Milwaukee (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)
Philippi (Samuel Wesley 1766-1837)
Cân 67 (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
St Ann(e) (William Croft 1677-1727)
St Bernard (Tochter Sion 1741)
St Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)
St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)
St Saviour (F G Baker 1839-1919)
Solomon (G F Handel 1685-1759)
Stracathro (Charles Hutcheson 1792-1860)
Wiltshire (G T Smart 1776-1867)

(Every Thing in Christ)
When the vast, deep oceans dry,
  And the stars of the sky fall,
The Lamb of God, who was killed on the hill,
  On Zion will be Head.

His name shall endure while the sun shall be,
  Praised forever shall he be;
And there will be no end to his acclaim
  To an eternity of day.

Blessings numerous as the fine sand,
  And dew of the earth below,
Will keep me to the faithful above
  Forever in their great Lord.

May all the names of the world go to nothing,
  The King of heaven is to be exalted;
Every fullness to us forever
  Keeps in Him.
And the stars ... fall :: When the stars ... fall
The Lamb of God, who was killed on the hill :: He who died, and who is alive
fullness to us forever :: fulness, grace, and strength
Keeps :: Dwells

tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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