Pan wyf yma'n cael defnynnau

Pan wyf yma'n cael defnynnau
  O'r môr anfesurol fry,
Fwy-fwy ydwyf yn sychedu
  Am y dwfwr yno sy':
Daear oer a diffrwyth ydwyf
  Oni b'ai yr haulwen hardd,
A chymhylau Duw sy'n gwlawio
  Yn feunyddiol ar fy ngardd.

Clywais lawer son am dano,
  Profais ei rinweddol hedd,
Gwn ei fod yn llawer cryfach
  Na chystuddiau
      angeu a'r bedd:
Pren y bywyd sy'n pereiddio
  Dyfroedd Mara im' o'u bron,
Mae fy mywyd a fy iechyd
  Yn yr archoll tan ei fron.

Rhyfedd ydoedd, rhyfedd ydyw,
  Grym ei gariad
      at y byd!
Mae rhyw foroedd o drugaredd
  At bechadur yntho o hyd:
Rhyfedd byth i'r
    Cyfiawn ddioddef
  Dros anheilwng lwch y llawr;
Am anfeidrol waed
    y Cymmod
  Caned pechaduriaid mawr.

Yn fy lle fe yfodd afon
  O ddigofaint mawr y Tad,
Gwaed ei galon
    brynodd fywyd
  Digyfnewid im' yn rhad:
Haul a lleuad, ser y nefoedd,
  A'r gre'digaeth faith i gyd,
A folianno fy Ngwaredwr,
  A'm gwaredodd rhag y llid.

Nid neb teilwng o'r gogoniant,
  Fry nac yma ond efe,
Mae'r holl nefoedd faith yn moli
  'R Iesu laddwyd yn fy lle;
Mae f'happusrwydd wedi dechreu
  Yn y byd o drallod trist,
Ni's gwn etto beth y fyddaf,
  Byddaf debyg i fy Nghrist.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo, 1764.

[Mesur: 8787D]

When I am here getting drops
  From the immeasurable sea above,
More and more I am thirsting
  For the water that is there:
A cold and fruitless earth I am
  Unless the beautiful sun be,
And God's clouds which are raining
  Daily on my garden.

I heard many mentioning it,
  I tasted it's virtuous peace,
I know it is much stronger
  Than the afflictions of
      death and the grave:
'Tis the tree of life that is sweetening
  The waters of Mara for me completely,
My life and my health are
  In the wound under his breast.

Wonderful was, wonderful is
  The strength of his love
      towards the world!
There are some oceans of mercy
  Towards a sinner in it still:
Wonderful forever for the
    Righteous to suffer
  For the unworthy dust of the ground;
About the immeasurable
    blood of the Covenant
  Let great sinners sing.

In my place he drank the river
  Of the great wrath of the Father,
'Twas the blood of his heart
    that purchased unchangeable
  Life for me freely:
Sun and moon, stars of heaven,
  And all the vast creation,
Let them praise my Deliverer,
  For my deliverance from the wrath.

No-one worthy of the glory,
  Above nor here but he,
All the vast heavens are praising
  Jesus who was slain in my place;
My happiness has begun
  In the world of sad affliction,
I do not yet know what I shall be,
  I shall be like my Christ.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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