Pan y dadguddiodd/datguddiodd Duw i'r cu

(Trugaredd a chyfiawnder yn ymgyfarfod)
Pan y dadguddiodd Duw i'r cu
  Nefolion fry, yn foreu,
Ei fwriad da i wared dyn,
  A'i ddwyn i'r un anneddau,
Llawenydd glân gynneuai'n glau
  Yn eu mynwesau gwresog,
Yn barod iawn, ar newydd dôn,
  I foli'r Ion trugarog.

Er hyny oll rhyfeddu wnaent,
  Gan gymaint oedd ein camwedd,
Pa fodd y gallai dynion gael
  Dragwyddol hael drugaredd:
Yn daer gwrandawai gwir Fab Duw,
  A'r ateb yw a gawsant:-
"Cyfiawnder a thrugaredd gu
  Gânt ynof fi ogoniant."

"Mi gadwa'r ddeddf mewn dynol gnawd,
  Dyoddefaf wawd ac angau;
Abertha'm gwaed
      yn bridwerth gwiw,
  I arbed eu bywydau."
Daeth Crist i'r byd;
    a seinio'n bêr
  Y mae'r uchelder beunydd:
Aeth Crist i'r nef; a chanu wna
  Yr angylion yn dragywydd.

             - - - - -
(Cyflawnder yr Amser)
Pan y datguddiodd Duw i'r cu
  Nefolion lu, yn forau,
Ei fwriad da i wared dyn,
  A'i ddwyn i'r un trigfannau;

Llawenydd glân e enynai'n glau
  Yn eu mynwesau gwresog,
Gan barotoi, ar newydd dôn,
  I foli'r Ion trugarog.

Pan daeth cyflawnder amser Duw,
  Yr Iesu gwiw a welsant;
Cyfiawnder a thrugaredd gu
  Ga'dd yno wir ogoniant.

Fe ddaeth i'n byd - a seinio'n bêr
  Y mae'r uchelder beunydd:
Ac aeth i'r nef - a moli wna
  Yr seintiau yn dragywydd.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tôn [MS 8787]: Rhuthyn (<1876)

[hefyd mesur: MSD 8787D]

center>(Mercy and righteousness meeting)
When God revealed to his dear
  Heavenly ones above, in the morning,
His good intention to deliver man,
  And bring him to the same dwellings,
Holy joy was kindling quickly in
  In their warm breasts,
Very ready, to a new tune,
  To praise the merciful Lord.

Despite all amazed they were,
  By how great was our trespass,
How could men get
  Eternal, generous mercy?
Intently was listening the true Son of God,
  And the answer was which they heard:-
"Righteousness and dear mercy
  They shall have in me glory."

"I shall keep the law in human flesh,
  I shall suffer scorn and death;
I shall sacrifice my blood
    as a worthy ransom,
  To save their lives."
Christ came to the world,
    and sounding sweetly
  Is the height daily:
Christ went to heaven; and sing shall
  The angels eternally.

             - - - - -
(The Fulness of Time)
When God revealed to the dear
  Heavenly host, in the morning,
His good intention to deliver man,
  And bring him to the same dwellings;

Holy joy was kindling quickly
  In their warm hearts,
While preparing, with a new tune,
  To praise the merciful Lord.

When the fulness of God's time came,
  Worthy Jesus they saw;
Righteousness and dear mercy
  Got there true glory.

He came to our world - and sounding sweetly
  Is the height daily:
And he went to heaven and praise shall
  The saints eternal.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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