Pe caid y ddaear gref
Pe cawn y ddaear gron
Pe ceid y ddaear gref

(Rhagoriaeth Crist)
Pe caid y ddaear gref,
  A'i meddu yn ei maint,
Cael Iesu'n rhan, a'i ddilyn Ef,
  Sy fil rhagorach braint.

Pe cawn holl berlau'r llawr,
  A holl bleserau'r byd,
Yn wyneb gras fy Iesu mawr
  Fel us yr aent i gyd.

Pe bawn mewn cystudd trist
  Yn dyoddef trwy fy oes,
Un olwg ffydd ar gariad Crist
  Felysai bob rhyw loes.

Rho undeb ffydd, O DDuw,
  Ag Ef, y bywiol Ben;
Byw iddo nes myn'd ato i fyw,
  Yn wiw i'r nefoedd wèn.
Pe caid :: Pe cawn :: Pe ceid
ddaear gref :: ddaear gron
Yn wiw :: Am byth

Roger Edwards 1811-86

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Canterbury (Ravenscroft's Psalter 1621)
Colchester/Hampton (M Greene 1696-1735)
Persia (<1829)

(The Superiority of Christ)
If one had the strong earth,
  And possessed it's vastness,
To have Jesus as one's lot, and to follow Him,
  Is a thousand times better privilege.

If I had all the earth's pearls,
  And all the worlds's pleasures,
In the face of the grace of my great Jesus
  Like chaff they would all go.

If I were in  sad affliction
  Suffering throughout my life,
One look of faith on the love of Christ
  Would sweeten every kind of anguish.

Give the union of faith, O God,
  With Him, the living head;
To live to him until going to him to live,
  Worthily to the blessed heavens.
If one had :: If I could have :: If one had
strong earth :: round earth
Worthily :: For ever

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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