Be bawn i yn llais

If I were a voice

Pe bawn i yn llais,
    yn berseiniol lais,
  Allai deithio trwy'r eangfyd,
Ehedwn ar belydyr
    goleu'r wawr,
A dysgwn bawb dros y ddaear fawr,
  I fod yn bur o hyd:
Ehedwn, ehedwn
    dros y tir a'r don,
P'le bynag mae dyn ar y ddaear gron,
  Dedwn neu ganwn o hyd i barhau,
  I ganmol y gwir
      yn erbyn y gau.

      Ehedwn, mi ehedwn,
      Ehedwn, mi ehedwn,
      Ehedwn dros
          y tir a'r don.

Pe bawn i yn llais -
    yn ddiddanol lais,
  A'r adenydd yr awel awn,
Ymwelwn a thrigfa
    pob poen a chur,
Llefarwn eiriau tawel, pur,
  A chodi'r llesg a wnawn:
Ehedwn, ehedwn
    dros y boblog dref,
Disgynwn fel pelydr
    goleuni nef;
  Dysgwn y poenus,
      y rheidus a'r gwan,
  I gadw eu golygon bob amser i'r lan.

      Ehedwn, mi ehedwn,
      Ehedwn, mi ehedwn,
      Ehedwn dros y boblog dref.

Pe bawn i yn llais -
    yn berswadiol lais,
  Mi ehedwn gyda'r gwynt,
Pa le bynag y gwelwn yr arfog gad,
A dynion creulon yn tywallt gwaed,
  Neu ar elynol hynt;
Ehedwn ar y daran gerth,
Tanbeidiwn fel mellten fawr ei nerth,
  Maeddwn eu digter,
      dysgwn bob un
  I garu'i gymydog fel ef ei hun.

      Ehedwn, mi ehedwn,
      Ehedwn, mi ehedwn,
      Ehedwn ar y daran gerth.

Pe bawn i yn llais -
    yn anfarwol lais,
  Ehedwn i bob rhyw wlad!
I addolwyr delwau meirwon ryw
Dywedwn am y bywiol Dduw,
  A threfn Efengyl rad:
Ehedwn, ehedwn gyda'r dydd o hyd,
Cyfoeddwn trwy Iesu
    fod hedd i'r byd;
  Archwn i'r ddaear gyfodi ei phen,
  A llawen ymuno
      yn moliant y nen.

      Ehedwn, mi ehedwn,
      Ehedwn, mi ehedwn,
      Ehedwn gyda'r dydd o hyd.
efel. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77

Tôn: Pe bawn i yn Llais (:s|s:s.s|s:s.s|l:l|l:)

If I were a voice,
    a sweet-sounding voice,
  I could travel through the wide world,
I would fly on the rays
    of the light of the dawn,
And teach everyone across the great earth,
  To be pure always:
I would fly, I would fly
    across the land and the wave,
Wherever there is man on the round earth,
  I would speak or sing always to continue,
  To extol the true
      against the false.

      I would fly, I would fly,
      I would fly, I would fly,
      I would fly across
          the land and the wave.

If I were a voice -
    a comforting voice,
  On the wings of the breeze I would go,
I would visit the dwelling-place
    of every pain and ache,
I would speak quiet, pure words,
  And raise the feeble I would do:
I would fly, I would fly
    across the populous town,
I would descend like the rays
    of the light of heaven;
  I would teach the pained,
      the needed and the weak,
  To keep their views always up.

      I would fly, I would fly,
      I would fly, I would fly,
      I would fly across the populous town.

If I were a voice -
    a persuasive voice,
  I would fly with the wind,
Wherever I saw the armed host,
And cruel men shedding blood,
  Or on a hostile course;
I would fly on the vehement thunder,
I would burn like lightning of great strength,
  I would strike their anger,
      I would teach each one
  To love his neighbour as himself.

      I would fly, I would fly,
      I would fly, I would fly,
      On the vehement thunder.

If I were a voice -
   an immortal voice -
  I would fly to every kind of land!
To worshippers of idols of a dead kind
I would tell about the living God,
  And set out a gracious Gospel:
I would fly, I would fly with the day always,
I would publish that through Jesus
    there is peace for the world;
  I would command the earth to raise its head,
  And joyfully to join
      in the praise of the sky.

      I would fly, I would fly,
      I would fly, I would fly,
      I would fly with the day always.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
If I were a voice,
    a persuasive voice,
  That could travel the wide world through,
I would fly on the beams
    of the morning light,
And speak to men with a gentle might,
  And tell them to be true.
I'd fly, I'd fly,
    o'er land and sea,
Wherever a human heart might be,
  Telling a tale, or singing a song,
  In praise of the right -
      in blame of the wrong.

If I were a voice,
    a consoling voice,
  I'd fly on the wings of air,
The homes of Sorrow
    and Guilt I'd seek,
And calm and truthful words I'd speak
  To save them from Despair.
I'd fly, I'd fly,
    o'er the crowded town,
And drop, like the happy
    sun-light, down
  Into the hearts
      of suffering men,
  And teach them to rejoice again.

If I were a voice,
    a convincing voice,
  I'd travel with the wind,
And whenever I saw the nations torn
By warfare, jealousy, or scorn,
  Or hatred of their kind,
I'd fly, I'd fly, on the thunder-crash,
And into their blinded bosoms flash;
  And, all their evil
      thoughts subdued,
  I'd teach them Christian Brotherhood.

If I were a voice,
    an immortal voice,
  I'd speak in the people's ear;
And whenever they shouted 'Liberty,'
Without deserving to be free,
  I'd make their error clear.
I'd fly, I'd fly, on the wings of day,
Rebuking wrong
    on my world-wide way,
  And making all the Earth rejoice -
  If I were a voice -
      an immortal voice.

Charles Mackay 1814-89

Tune: If I were a Voice (Ira D Sankey 1840-1908)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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