Pe meddwn ar dafodau doeth

Did I possess the gift of tongues

("Y mwyaf yw Cariad.")

Pe meddwn ar dafodau doeth
Angylion ac areithwyr coeth,
  Os na fydd cariad gydâ rhai'n,
  Wyf megis efydd gwag ei sain.

Pe bawn o'r dawn i draethu'n hy'
Ddirgelion nef ac uffern ddu,
  Neu allu o'm ffydd i symmud byd,
  Heb gariad dim wyf etto o hyd.

Fe bawn yn rhoddi, megis brawd,
Fy nhrysor oll i borthi'r tlawd,
  Neu roi fy nghorph i losgi i'r tân,
  Gael enw Merthyr
      clodfawr glân.

I Dduw a Dyn, os Cariad fydd
Yn brin, fy ngobaith ofer fydd:
  Nid tafod tanllyd, sel na dawn
  All wneud gwaith cariad byth yn llawn.
Pe bawn o'r dawn :: Pe meddwn ddawn
allu o'm ffydd :: feddu ffydd
dim wyf etto :: nid wyf ddim :: dim wyf fi
Fy nhrysor oll :: Fy näoedd oll :: Fy nghyfoeth oll
Neu rhoi fy nghorph :: A'm corf
i losgi :: yn rhwydd
Gael enw merthyr clodfawr ::          
          Am enw merthyr clodfawr
          Er ynnill enw Merthyr
fy ngobaith ofer :: fy ngwaith yn ofer
I Dduw :: At Dduw

cyf.Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)
Newcourt (Hugh Bond )

("the greatest is Love.")

If I spoke with the wise tongues
Of angels and cultured orators,
  If there is not love with these,
  I am like an empty-sounding brass.

If I were of a talent to expound boldly
The secrets of heaven and black hell,
  Or able by my faith to move a world,
  Without love I am still nothing at all.

If I were to give, like a brother,
All my treasure to feed the poor,
  Or give my body to burn in the fire,
  To get a holy, praiseworthy
      martyr's name.

To God and man if love is
Wanting, my hope is vain:
  Not a fiery tongue, zeal, or talent,
  Can ever fully do the work of love.
If I were of a talent :: If I possessed a talent
able by my faith :: possess a faith to
I am still nothing :: I am nothing :: I am nothing
All my treasure :: All my goods :: All my wealth
Or give my body :: And my body
to burn :: freely
To get a ... praiseworthy martyr's name ::          
          For a praiseworthy martyr's name
          To win a martyr's name
fy ngobaith ofer :: fy ngwaith yn ofer
my hope vain :: my work vain

tr. 2008,19 Richard B Gillion

(All Attainments vain without Love)
Did I possess the gift of tongues,
  But were deny'd thy grace;
My loudest words - my loftiest songs,
  Would be but sounding brass.

Though thou should'st give
    me heavenly skill
  Each mystery to explain;
If I'd no heart to do thy will
  My knowledge would be vain.

Had I so strong a faith, my God!
  As mountains to remove;
No faith could do me real good,
  That did not work by love.

What though, to gratify my pride,
  And make my heave secure,
All my possessions I divide
  Among the hungry poor;

What though my body I consign
  To the devouring flame,
In hope the glorious deed will shine
  In rolls of endless fame!

These splendid acts of vanity,
  Though all the world applaud,
If destitute of charity,
  Can ever please my God.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Should bounteous nature kindly pour

[Metre: CM 8686]

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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