Pechadur aflan wyf o'r bru (Yn pechu yn erbyn Arlgwydd cu)

Pechadur aflan wyf o'r bru,
Yn pechu yn erbyn Arlgwydd cu,
Anfeidrol yw d'amynedd di,
  Fy mod i etto yn fyw;
Gwirionedd fod dy ras didrai,
Yn gan-mil mwy
    nā'm ffiaidd fai,
A'th werthfawr hedd
    yn fwy nā'm gwae
  Trag'wyddol gariad yw.

Er pan ddaethum i'r ddaear lawr,
Ni wnes ond pechu
    o awr i awr,
Dy 'speilio o'th ogoniant mawr,
  Hyd ag y gellais ddim;
O maddeu im' droseddwr gwael,
S' heb ddim ond pechod genny' gael,
Gwisg fi ā haeddiant Ies hael,
  A bydd yn Geidwad im'.

P'le tro'i fy wyneb, Arglwydd cu,
Er maint fy mai,
    ond attat ti?
Yn yr holl gyfyngderau fu,
  Buost yn Gyfaill im';
Mwy gwerthfawr wyt nā'r byd
    pe cawn,
Ynot mae'm iachawdwriaeth lawn,
Fy Ngheidwad foreu a phrydnhawn,
  'Nghyfiawnder a'm Grym.

Anfeidrol gariad maith ero'd,
Cyn creu'r byd
    na dim mewn bod,
Ti sydd yn deilwng o bob clod,
  O werthfawr Geidwad dyn!
Mi boerais yn dy wyneb gwyn,
Do, fil o weithiau gwn cyn hyn,
Mi'th hoelais ar Galfaria fryn,
  A gedwi di'r fath un?

O furgyn gwael drewydig cas
Ffieddiaf ar wyneb
    daear lās,
A ga'i ngwaredu trywy dy ras,
  O safn y pydew blin?
Heb ddim daioni ynwy'n bod,
Yn llawn o'r pechod aflan nod,
Yn berffaith elyn Duw erio'd,
  Trugaredd i'r fath ddyn.

Beth er fy mod yn dlawd a gwael,
Yr wyt yn Briod hynod hael,
Mae'r cwbl ynot i mi gael,
  Sy'n angenrheidiol im';
Fy Mrawd ym mhob caledi mwy,
Fe arwain fy ysbryd athrist trwy,
Gwel f'enaid yn ei farwol glwy',
  Orphwysfa it' a grym.

Ni phwysa holl
    drysorau'r llawr
Un graen o gariad f'Arglwydd mawr,
Pwy ddichon brisio yma yn awr
  Y trysor wy'n fwynhau?
O gwerthfawr gwerthfawr gwerthfawr yw,
Mil gwell
    nā chyfoeth mawr Peru,
Gwnaeth heddwch llawn rhwng dyn a Duw
  Tragywydd yn parhau.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79
Golwg o Ben Nebo 1775

[Mesur: 8886D]

An unclean sinner I am from the womb,
Sinning against the dear Lord,
Immeasurable is thy patience,
  That I am still alive;
Truth that thy unebbing grace is
A hundred thousand times greater
    than my detestable fault,
And thy precious peace
    greater than my woe
  Eternal love it is.

Since when I came to the earth below,
I have done nothing but sin
    from hour to hour,
Despoiled thee of thy great glory,
  As far as I could do anything;
O forgive me a base transgressor,
Who has nothing but sin to offer,
Dress me with the merit of generous Jesus,
  And be a Saviour to me!

Where shall I turn my face, dear Lord,
Despite the extent of my fault,
    but toward thee?
In all the straits there were,
  Thou wast a Friend to me;
More precious thou art than the world,
    could I have it,
In thee there is full salvation,
My Saviour morning and afternoon,
  My Righteousness and my Force.

Vast, immeasurable love ever,
Before the creating of the world
    or anything in being,
Thou art worthy of all praise,
  O precious Saviour of man!
I spat in thy fair face,
Yes, a thousand times I know already,
I naild thee on Calvary hill,
  Wilt thou save such a one?

O wretched, stinking, detestable rascal
The most hated on the face
   of the blue-green earth,
Shall I get delivered through thy grace,
  From the jaws of the grievous pit?
With not goodness in me being,
Full of the sin of an unclean mark,
A perfect enemy of God ever,
  Mercy to such a man.

What though I am poor and base,
Thou art a notably generous Spouse,
The whole in thee for me to get,
  Is essential for me;
My Brother in every hardship evermore,
Shall lead my sad spirit through,
See, my soul, in his mortal wound,
  A resting-place for thee and force.

Not all the treasures
    of earth shall weigh
One grain of the love of my great Lord,
Who can price here now
  The treasure I am enjoying?
O precious, precious, precious he is,
A thousand times better
    than the great wealth of Peru,
He made full peace between man and God
  Eternally to endure.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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