Pererin llesg a llaith

("Salem fry.")
Pererin llesg a llaith,
  Dechreuais daith oedd bell,
Trwy lu o elynion mawr eu brad,
  Gan geisio gwlad sydd well.

Am ffoi mae f'enaid tlawd,
  At f'anwyl Frawd a'm Pen:
Yn Salem fry par'to fy lle,
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen.

'Rwy'n gwel'd yr oriau'n hir,
  I fod o dir fy ngwlad;
Bryd deuaf at fy mrodyr fry,
  Sy'n canu'n nhŷ fy Nhad?

Gael gorphen ar fy ngwaith,
  A'm siwrnai faith īs nen:
Yn Salem fry par'to fy lle,
  Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MB 6686]: Southwell (Daman's Psalter 1579)

Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Ymofyniad (<1876)

  Fy ngweddi dos i'r nef
  Mae tywyll anial nos
  O Iesu'r meddyg da

("Salem above.")
A pilgrim faint and weak,
  I began my journey which was long,
Through a host of enemies of great treachery,
  Seeking a land which is better.

Wanting to flee is my poor soul,
  To my dear Brother and my Head:
In Salem above prepare my place
  In a court within the curtain.

I am seeing the hours as long,
  To be from the land of my country;
When shall I come to my brothers above,
  Who are singing in the house of my Father?

To get an end to my work,
  And my extensive journey above the sky:
In Salem above prepare my place,
  In the court within the curtain.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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