Pererin wyf heb le

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;  1,2,3,4,6,8.
  Pererin wyf heb le,
    Blinedig ar fy nhaith,
  Hiraethu 'rwyf am dre',
    Yn nhragwyddoldeb maith:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?

  Am ddiangc 'rwyf o'r byd,
    I blith y nefol gôr,
  Lle mae fy nhrysor drud,
    I mi i'w gael yn stôr:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?

  Rhyfela 'rwyf îs nen,
    Â mawr elynion lu,
  'Does un yn Seion wen
    I guro ar f'enaid cu:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?

  Merthyron aeth ymlaen
    Yn llu i ben eu taith,
  Heb ofni dw'r na thân,
    Nes gorphen ar eu gwaith:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?

  Wrth feddwl am y llu,
    Sy'n moli'r Iesu glân,
  Fy enaid inau sy'
    Yn llawn o'r nefol dân:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?

  Fy ngartref yno sy',
    A'm dedwydd orsedd wen,
  Mae ngwisgoedd gwerthfawr fry,
    Mewn llys o fewn i'r llen:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?

  Yn Ngosen 'r wyf fi'n byw,
    (Mewn anial wlad yn wir)
  Gan hiraeth 'r wyf yn friw,
    Am wel'd fy Nghanaan dir:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?

  'Does gofid yno'n bod,
    Na galar byth na phoen,
  Ond gwlad yn llawn o glod,
    I'r nefol anwyl Oen:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?

  Fe ffŷ pob pechod ffwrdd,
    Pan neidiwy' i dŷ fy Nhad,
  A Satan byth ni'm cwrdd,
    O fewn Caersalem wlad:
O ddedwydd le! pa bryd do'i fyw,
Byth at fy Nuw o fewn i'r ne'?
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tôn [666688]: Grove (<1811)

  A pilgrim am I without a place,
    Exhausted on my journey,
  Longing I am for a town,
    In a vast eternity:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?

  Wanting to escape I am from the world,
    Amongst the the heavenly choir,
  Where my precious treasure is,
    In store for me to get it:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?

  Battling I am below the sky,
    With a great host of enemies,
  In bright Zion there is none
    To beat upon my dear soul:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?

  Martyrs went before
    As a host to their journey's end,
  Without fearing water or fire,
    Until finishing their work:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?

  While thinking about the host,
    Who are praising holy Jesus,
  My soul too is
    Full of the heavenly fire:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?

  My home is there,
    And my happy, white throne,
  There are valuable garments above,
    In a court within the curtain:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?

  In Goshen I am living,
    (In a desert land truly)
  While longing I am sorely)
    To see my Canaan land:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?

  There is no grief there,
    Nor ever any mourning or pain,
  But a land full of praise,
    To the heavenl, beloved Lamb:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?

  Every sin shall flee away,
    When I leap to my Father's house,
  And Satan shall never meet me,
    Within the land of Jerusalem:
O happy place! when shall I come to live
Forever to my God within heaven?
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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