Pererin wyf i'r Ganaan fry

1,2,3,(4,5,6,(7));  1,2,3,(4),7.
(Cyrchu at y nod)
Pererin wyf i'r Ganaan fry,
I gynes gol fy Iesu cu,
  Lle ca'i dragwyddol nyth,
'Mhell uwchlaw sŵn
    y ddraig a'i saeth,
Na gelyn mwy i'm gwneyd yn gaeth,
  Cai'n dawel orphwys byth.

O bell mi wela'm cartre'n wir,
O fewn i byrth Caersalem bur,
  Pob rhai 'n meddiannu hedd,
O ddinas deg, o'th fewn nid oes,
Na haul, na lloer, na thywyll nos,
  Gwynfyd rhai draw i'r bedd!

Pan ddel yr adgyfodiad mawr, 
Caf godi'n lân o'r ddaear lawr,
  I entrych awyr fry;
Oddiyno âf mewn nefol hedd,
I'r nefoedd wen mewn newydd wedd, 
  I blith angylaidd lu.

Mi fyddaf fry, (O ryfedd fraint!)
Yn boddi'm sŵn yn mhlith y saint,
  Mewn peraidd hyfryd dôn: -
Cymdeithion hyf mewn hyfryd hwyl,
Heb 'mado byth, ond cadw gŵyl,
  I'r tirion, anwyl Oen.

Gwynfyd yn awr f'ai gyda'm Nêr,
Fy nghartre sydd uwchlaw y sêr
  Mewn paradwysaidd fan,
On' châf ar frŷs ehedeg fry
'Gael prawf o wlêdd
    angylaidd lu,
  Fe dyr fy nghalon wan.

Pa'm oeda'i'n awr fyn'd uwch y nen?
Par'towd fy lle uwchlaw y llen,
  Fy 'ngalw mae fy Nuw
Feddiann'n frau yr hyfryd fraint
A'r nefol sîr
    fydd gan y saint,
  Diddanwch o bob rhyw.

'Rwy'n awr am ganu'n iach i'r byd,
Ei bleser gau, a'i boen i gyd;
  Pwy safai ynddo'n hir!
Dysgwyl a wnaf nes del fy Nuw
I'm dwyn o'm gwae at Iesu gwiw,
  I hyfryd Salem dir.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [886D]:
Broadmead (<1811)
Henffordd (alaw Ellmynig)
Inspruck (H Isaac / J S Bach)
Kings College (Edward C Walker)
Pembroke (J Foster 1807-85)
Ravendale (Walter Stokes)

(Seeking the goal)
A pilgrim am I to the Canaan above,
To the warm bosom of my dear Jesus,
  Where I can have an eternal nest,
Far above the sound
    of the dragon and his arrow,
No enemy will any more make me a captive,
  I may quietly rest forever.

From afar I see my home truly,
Within the portals of Jerusalem wall,
  All those possessing peace,
O fair city, within thee there is not,
Neither sun, nor moon, nor dark night,
  Happy those beyond the grave!

When the great resurrection comes,
I will get to rise up from the earth below,
  To the dome of the sky above;
From here I will go to heavenly peace,
The the blessed heavens in a new condition,
  To the midst of a host of angels.

I shall be above, (O wonderful privilege!)
Sinking my sound amongst the saints,
  In a sweet, lovely tune: -
Bold fellow-travellers in delightful mood,
Without leaving ever, but keeping festival,
  To the tender, beloved Lamb.

Blessed now would I be with my Master,
My home is above the stars
  In a paradisiacal place,
Unless I shall get quickly to fly above
To get a taste of the feast
    of the angelic host,
  My weak heart will break.

Why do I delay now to go above the sky?
Prepared is my place above the curtain,
  Calling me is my God
To possess promptly the lovely privilege
And the heavenly county
    which the saints shall have,
  Comfort of every kind.

I am now bidding farewell to the world,
It's feigned pleasure, and all its pain;
  Who could stand it for long!
Wait do I until my God come
To take me from my woe to worthy Jesus,
  To lovely Salem land.
tr. 2009,17 Richard B Gillion
(A Glance)
A pilgrim I to Canaan flee,
To dwell, my blessed Lord, with Thee
  In thine eternal rest:
Beyond the tempter's
    roar and dart,
And every foe to cause me smart,
  Thy constant, filial guest.

Afar I sometimes see below
A glimpse of Salem's mansions glow,
  All blessed, all divine:
O city high, nor sun nor moon,
Arise o'er thee, God is thy noon!
  When shall thy bliss be mine?

At the great resurrection day,
I shall shake off this heavy clay,
  And rise above the earth:
Then mount on wings sublime to heaven,
When Thou hast powers immortal given,
  O strange, and glorious birth!

And then, with life immortal crowned,
My feeble song of glory drowned
  Among the sons of light,
Our strains shall high and higher swell,
In keeping feast without farewell,
  To Jesus day and night.

1854 Joseph Morris

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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