Pererin wyf sydd ar fy nhaith

(Nerth y pererin)
Pererin wyf sydd ar fy nhaith,
Yn myn'd tua thragwyddoldeb maith:
  Dieithr ddyn wyf ar y ddae'r,
  Am nefol dŷ mae'm llef yn daer.

Mae im elynion o bob math,
A'u bryd i gyd yw'm dwyn yn gaeth,
  A pheri im gyfeiliorni'n brudd,
  A gwneyd llongddrylliad am fy ffydd.

Na lawenhewch, annuwiol haid,
Caf nerth yn rhwydd
    fel byddo rhaid:
  I Salem dof,
      trwy'r tân a'r dwr,
  Can's Iesu da yw f'unig Dwr.

Gan f'Arglwydd cu cynnorthwy caf,
A thrwy ei nerth gorchfygu wnaf;
  Fy nghas elynion gwn, i gyd,
  Caf wel'd eu lladd,
      er maint eu llid.
Daniel Rowland 1713-1790

Tônau [MH 8888]:
    Brynteg (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
    Ceredigion (alaw Ellmynig)
    Henafiaeth (Caniadau y Cyssegr a'r Teulu 1878)

(The strength of the pilgrim)
I am a pilgrim who is on my journey,
Going towards a vast eternity:
  I stranger I am on the earth,
  For a heavenly house my cry is intense.

I have enemies of every kind,
And all their intent is to take me captive,
  And cause me to wander sadly,
  And make a shipwreck of my faith.

Do not rejoice, ungodly horde,
I shall get strength freely
    when there is need:
  To Salem I shall come,
      through the fire and the water,
  Since good Jesus is my only Tower.

From my dear Lord support I shall get,
And through his strength overcome I shall;
  All my detestable enemies, I know,
  Shall see themselves slain,
      despite the extent of their wrath.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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