Perffaith yn ei ffordd yw Duw

(Salm XVIII - Rhan II - [ad. 30,31,46,49]
Ymlawenhâu yn Nuw.)
Perffaith yn ei ffordd yw Duw,
Gair ei ras mor sanctaidd yw!
  Ac y mae yn darian gref
  I'r rhai gredant ynddo ef.

Pwy sy Dduw, o dan y sêr?
Pwy, uwchlaw, heblaw ein Nêr?
  Pwy sydd graig i'r enaid gwan,
  Ond ein Duw, yng Nghrist yn rhan?

Craig yr oesoedd, cadarn yw,
Byth heb ddiwedd pery'n fyw;
  Iechydwriaeth ganddo sydd
  I bob un o berchen ffydd.

Mwy bendithier Duw
    trwy'r byd,
A dyrchafer ef o hyd;
  Unwn ninnau yn y gân,
  Canwn oll i'w enw glân.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: 7777]

  Rhan I - Dy garu wnaf O Arglwydd Dduw

(Psalm 18 - Part 2 - [vv. 30,31,46,49]
Rejoicing in God.)
Perfect in his way is God,
The word of his grace, how holy it is!
  And he is a strong shield
  To those who believe in him.

Who is God, under the stars?
Who, above, except our Lord?
  Who is a rock to the weak soul,
  But our God, in Christ as a portion?

The Rock of the ages, firm he is,
Forever without end he will continue alive;
  There is salvation with him
  For every one who possesses faith.

Evermore God is to be blessed
    throughout the world,
And he is to be exalted always;
  Let us too join in the song,
  Let us all sing to his holy name.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
30 For God's designs shall still succeed
     his word will bear the utmost test:
   He's a strong shield to all that need,
     and on his sure protection rest.

31 Who then deserves to be adored,
     but God on whom my hopes depend?
   Or who, except the mighty Lord,
     can with resistless pow'r defend?

46 Let the eternal Lord be praised,
     the rock on whose defence I rest;
   O'er highest heav'ns his name be raised,
     who me with his salvation blest.

49 Therefore to celebrate
       his fame.
     my grateful voice to heav'n I'll raise;
   And nations, strangers to his name,
     shall thus be taught to sing his praise.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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