Plant Caersalem lawen lu

Children of Jerusalem

Plant Caersalem lawen lu,
Seinient glodydd Iesu cu,
  A rhydd plant ur oes sy'n awr,
  Offrwm serch i'r Ceidwad mawr.

    Clywch! clywch! clywch!
      eu mawl i Frenin nef;
    Clywch! clywch! clywch!
      eu mawl i Frenin nef;
    Pêr ganiadau, pêr ganiadau,
      Pêr ganiadau Iddo Ef.

Am oleuni'r cariad byw
Geir yn llewyrch geiriau Duw,
  Am agoriad ffordd i'r nef
  Rhoddwn fawl i'w enw Ef.

Hen ac ieuanc ddelo 'nghyd,
Pob rhyw radd drwy'r eang fyd,
  Chwydded cân y mawl yn fôr,
  Fyddo'n cyrraedd gorsedd Iôr.
cyf. Hugh Cernyw Williams (Cernyw) 1843-1937

Tôn [7777+8887]:
Plant Caersalem / Children of Jerusalem
    Tune Book to the Hymns and Chaunts
    for Sunday Schools, John Curwen, 1842.

Children of Jerusalem as a joyful throng,
Would sound the praises of dear Jesus,
  And free children of the age that now is,
  An affectionate offering to the great Saviour.

    Hear! hear! hear!
      their praise to the King of heaven;
    Hear! hear! hear!
      their praise to the King of heaven;
    Sweet songs, sweet songs,
      Sweet songs unto Him.

For the light of the living love
Words reflecting the words of God,
  For the key to the road to heaven
  Let us render praise to His name.

Old and young will come together,
Every kind free through the wide world,
  Let the song of praise swell as a sea,
  Which will reach the Lord's throne.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
Children of Jerusalem
Sang the praise of Jesus' Name:
  Children, too, of modern days
  Join to sing the Saviour's praise.

    Hark, hark, hark!
      While infant voices sing,
    Hark, hark, hark!
      While infant voices sing
    Loud hosannas, loud hosannas,
      Loud hosannas to our King.

We are taught to love the Lord,
We are taught to read His Word;
  We are taught the way to Heav'n:
  Praise for all to God be giv'n.

Parents, teachers, old and young,
All unite to swell the song;
  Higher and yet higher rise,
  'Til hosannas fill the skies.
John Henley 1800-1842

Children of Jerusalem (Curwen's Tune Book 1842)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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