Plant caethion Babilon

1,(2),4,5;  1,((2),5,3),4.
(Dychweliad y gaethglud)
  Plant caethion Babilon,
  Dont adre o dòn i dòn,
Cânt wledda'n llon,
    mae'r dydd gerllaw,
  Yn ngŵydd eu Harglwydd da,
  O sŵn y byd
      a'i bla;
O ddedwydd hâ'! pa bryd y daw?

  Angenus wyf o hyd
  Mewn trallodedig fyd,
Ac nid oes fythol ddim i'w gael
  Gyflawna'm heisieu i gyd,
  A'm càna i oll yn nghyd,
Ond haeddiant drud fy Iesu hael.

  'Rwy'n nesu at yr awr
  I gael fy nhori i lawr,
A'm dodi i orwedd lle bu ef;
 Lle i orphwys yno sydd,
 Hyd oni ddelo'r dydd
Daw Iesu ar gymylau'r nef.

  Dysgwyliwn ronyn bach,
  Cawn ddod yn gwbl iach;
Caniadau yna fydd heb ri':
  A'u sylwedd fydd y gwaed
  A ddyry in' iachâd,
A'r goncwest gaed ar Galfari.

  Mi wna' fy nghartre' mwy
  Dan gysgod marwol glwy'
'Does noddfa addas tan y nef
  I'r euog gael glanhad,
  Ond yn y ffynnon rad
O ddwfr a gwaed a gollodd Ef.
Dont :: Ddont

Grawn-Syppiau Canaan ?1795

Tonau [668D]:
Amsterdam (Darmstädter Gesangbuch)
Brunswick (Salmydd Marot a Beza)
Bryncynlais (D L Jones)
Gwledd (Rees Williams)
  John's (<1835)
Machynlleth (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Penrhyn (<1875)
St Ambros (<1876)
Yr Hen CXXII (Salmydd Genefa 1551)

gwelir: Rho nerth i ddwyn y groes

(The return of the captivity)
  The captive children of Babilon,
  Shall come home from wave to wave,
They shall get to feast cheerfully,
    the day is at hand,
  In the presence of their good Lord,
  From the sound of the world
      and its plague;
O happy summer! when will it come?

  Needy am I still
  In a troubled world,
And there is nothing everlasting to be got
  That fulfills all my needs,
  And bleaches me altogether,
But the costly merit of my generous Jesus.

  I am drawing near to the hour
  For me to get cut down,
And get put to lay where he was;
  A place to rest there is there,
  Only until the day comes
When Jesus comes on the clouds of heaven.

  I would expect in a little while,
  To get to become completely whole;
There will be songs there without number:
  And their theme shall be the blood
  Which shall make us whole,
And the conquest while was got on Calvary.
  I will make my home evermore
  Under the shadow of a mortal wound
There is no appropriate refuge under heaven
  For the guilty to get cleansing,
  But in the gracious fount
Of water and blood which He shed.
They shall come :: Who shall come

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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