Pob peth sy'n d'weyd fod Duw mewn bod

(Duw, Cariad yw.)
Pob peth sy'n d'weyd fod Duw mewn bod,
Ac mai un teilwng yw o glod;
  A chyda hyny, yn ei ryw,
  Pob peth sy'n dweyd mai cariad yw.

Dwed pob creadur is y nef,
Mai Bod daionus ydyw Ef;
  A'i holl weithredoedd o bob rhyw
  Gyd-ddwedant byth mai cariad yw.

Ond beth yw natur eang faith,
Er mor soniarus yw ei hiaith,
  At y datguddiad a roes Duw,
  Yn dyst i'r byd
      mai caríad yw?

Ei anwyl Fab o'i fynwes glyd,
Roes Ef yn Iawn
    dros feiau'r byd,
  Er dangos gras i ddynol-ryw,
  Yn unig am mai cariad yw.
D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903

Tôn [MH 8888]: Worcester (Accepted Widdop 1750-1801)

(God, he is Love.)
Everything is saying that God exists,
And that he is worthy of praise;
  And therefore, in its force,
  Everything is saying that he is love.

Every creature under heaven says,
That a good Being is He;
  And all his works of every kind
  Forever tell together that he is love.

But what is broad, extensive nature,
Although so vocal is its language,
  To the revelation that God gave,
  As a witness to the world
      that God is love?

His beloved Son from his cosy bosom,
He gave Him as a Ransom for
    the faults of the world,
  In order to show to human-kind,
  Only that he is love.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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