Prawf ni O Dduw a chwilia wraidd

Try us O God and search the ground

1,2,3,4,5;  1,3,4.
("Chwilia fi, O Dduw.")
Prawf ni, O Dduw, a chwilia wraidd
  Meddyliau pob rhyw un;
Rhag twyll a rhagrith gwared ni,
  Trwy'th Ysbryd di dy hun.

Rhag in' ddiffygio ar y daith,
  O dyro nerth i ni;
Cynal ni â'th ddeheulaw gref,
  Nes dyfod atat ti.

[Os llithro ar y ddyrus daith,
   A wnâ ein gweinion draed:
 Cynnal ni â'th ddeheulaw gref
   Nes d'od i dŷ ein Tad.]

Gwna ni yn gymhorth naill i'r llall
  Yn mhlith gofalon blin,
Gan ddangos bawb ein brawdol serch
  Fel darfu Crist ei hun.

O dyro gymhorth, Iesu da,
  I gadw'th lwybrau di;
Ein ffydd a'n gobaith, O cryfha!
  Perffeithia'n cariad ni.

Gad in' gynyddu yn dy ras
  Ar ddelw Crist ein Pen;
Rho in' o'n pechod lwyr ryddhâd,
  A dwg ni'r nefoedd wen.
cyf. John Hughes 1775-1854
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802

Tonau [MC 8686]:
St Oswald (<1876)
Weimar (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

("Search me, O God.")
Test us, O God, and search the root
  Of the thoughts of every single kind;
From deception and hypocrisy deliver us,
  Through thy own Spirit.

Lest we fail on the journey,
  O give strength to us;
Support us with thy strong right hand,
  Until we come to thee.

[If slip on the troublesome journey,
   Do our weak feet:
 Support us with thy strong right hand
   Until coming to our Father's house.]

Make us a help one to the other
  Amidst the wearying cares,
Showing everyone our brotherly affection
  As did Christ himself.

O give help, good Jesus,
  To keep thy paths;
Our faith and our hope, O strengthen!
  Perfect our love.

Let us grow in thy grace
  In the image of Christ our Head;
Give us from our sin total freedom,
  And bring us to bright heaven.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Try us, O God, and search the ground
  Of every sinful heart;
Whate'er of sin in us is found,
  O bid it all depart.

If to the right or left we stray,
  Leave us not comfortless;
But guide our feet into the way
  Of everlasting peace.

Help us to help each other, Lord,
  Each other's cross to bear;
Let each his friendly aid afford,
  And feel his brother's care.

Help us to build each other up,
  Our little stock improve;
Increase our faith, confirm our hope,
  And perfect us in love.

Up unto Thee, our living head,
  Let us in all things grow,
Till Thou hast made us free indeed,
  And spotless here below.

Then, when the mighty work is wrought,
  Receive Thy ready bride:
Give us in Heaven a happy lot
  With all the sanctified.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tune [CM 8686]: Beatitudo (John B Dykes 1823-76)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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