Pregeth Iesu ar y mynydd

Pregeth Iesu ar y mynydd,
  A fo'n llonydd yn cael lle,
Yn fy meddwl a fy nghalon,
  Ei orch'mynion union E;
    Fy myfyrdod,
  Foddion hynod, fyddo hi.

Pregeth Iesu ar y mynydd,
  Fo o newydd efo ni,
Yn cael parch, a'i chyfarch hefyd,
  Sef ei rhëol hyfryd hi;
    Addysg heddwch,
  Ydyw, a dedwyddwch dyn.

Pregeth Iesu ar y mynydd,
  Sydd yn llusern ddedwydd dda,
Dyma'r ganwyll ddifai ddwyfol,
  Goleu llesol a'n gwella;
    Boed i'w goleu,
  Ein dwyn ninnau hyd y nef.

Pregeth Iesu ar y mynydd,
  Fyddo beundd i ni'n bod,
Megis canwyll ddidwyll, ddedwydd,
  Ac fel arwydd newydd nod,
    Wrth ei goleu,
  Tynnwn ninnau tu a'r nef.

Yn y bregeth ar y mynydd,
  Gwelaf ddedwydd grefydd gron;
O na byddwn o'r un ysbryd
  Ag oedd Awdwr hyfryd hon;
    Fe gai genyf,
  Fwy gogoniant nag a ga'dd.

Ar y mynydd y bu'r Iesu
  Gynt yn hŷ bregethu'r gair,
Ac fe lanwodd â'i wir eiriau,
  O bennodau diau dair;
    O na lanwai,
  Fy meddyliau inna oll.

O na byddai pregeth Iesu
  Gwiw, yn glynu, er ei glod,
Yn fy meddwl a fy nghalon,
  I'm dwyn yn union dan ei nôd;
    Fe gai'r enw,
  Iddo heddyw oll ei hun.
Edward Jones 1761-1836

[Mesur: 878747]

The sermon of Jesus on the mountain,
  Be cheerfully getting a place,
In my thought and my heart,
  His direct commands;
    My meditation,
  Notable medicine, be it.

The sermon of Jesus on the mounain,
  Be anew to us,
Getting reverence, and greeted also,
  That is, its delightful regulation;
    The teaching of peace,
  It is, and the happiness of man.

The sermon of Jesus on the mountain,
  Is a good, happy lantern,
Here is the faultless, divine candle,
  Beneficial light to heal us;
    May its light,
  Lead us too towards heaven.

May the preaching of Jesus on the mountain,
  Be daily to us being,
Like a sincere, happy candle,
  And like the sign of a new aim,
    By his light,
  Draw us also towards heaven.

In the sermon on the mountain,
  I see a happy, rounded faith;
O that I could be of the same spirit
  As was the delightful Author of this;
    He would get from me,
  More glory than he got.

On the mountain was Jesus
  Of old boldly preaching the word,
And he flooded with his true words,
  Of three doubtless chapters
    O that he would flood,
  All my thoughts too.

O that the sermon of Jesus would be
  Worthily, sticking, for his praise,
In my thought and my heart,
  To lead me directly under his aim;
    He would get the name,
  To him today all himself.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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